Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mini Stroke Flushed Face



following text in a Same mount a project to which vesrschillende associations since last spring (in 2010, therefore) have worked. The French text gives a full view.

CODES, CAFA and the Piano Factory work together on a project under section 5 of the district contract for the participation of Alsemberg Park citizens to increase their awareness and involvement in the plans of the district contract.


Participatory democracy does not come automatically. Many people have a little push needed for them to participate in the policy. A house-to-door leaflet is not sufficient for many people across the line to draw, especially the socially disadvantaged.

We are committed to the people to embark on the street, the middle classes and the clubs where they meet. We look for creative people to reflect on their immediate surroundings. We want

starting from present and past people inquiring about how they like their environment zien evolueren in de toekomst. We willen het ritme van de wijk in beeld brengen en verhalen van hoe het vroeger was optekenen. Tegenover de bestaande en vroegere situatie peilen we naar de dromen, idealen en frustraties van de bewoners en gebruikers van de Fortstraat.

Door het opzetten van interventies die uitmonden in een feestelijke event.
Door het opzetten van acties dier sensibiliseren voor maatschappelijke participatie en het samenleven in diversiteit.
Door het versterken van het netwerk van individuen, verenigingen, organisaties en gemeentelijke diensten.

FASE 1: Voorbereiding en netwerkvorming
Mei- September 2011

We werken een communicatieplan uit which we have different types of users and local residents identify and consider how we best address them. We are thinking of the children and seniors, to residents with a vision of urban development, visitors to the market ... Extend Partnership: fe Maison des Enfants, Atelier du Web, House of Sustainability ...

We make an inventory of different perspectives: retail and catering services, conveniences and inconveniences of mobility, cleanliness and safety, family friendliness, the quality of living and bring the current state of multimedia in pictures.
We develop tools to make communication easier and more efficient: a neighborhood newspaper, a digital map the street, a blog, posters, a stand on the market ... We
launch in September 2011 a targeted and differentiated call to all concerned parties to submit their ideas.

PHASE 2: Appel aux Idées
October 2011 until May 2012

Actions to audiences, appealing to key people, collaborations with local organizations, surveys on the market, (digital) local newspaper ... ...

PHASE 3: street party in May 2012

In third stage the different paths traveled participatory presented and reviewed at a neighborhood party. The possible future interpretations of Fortstraat for evaluation presented to visitors and passers-by. With this aim we have a multiplier effect: the participation is widened and deepened on the basis of already collected material.

PHASE 4: Reporting
June 2012

Achieving a final report of the three phases for the municipality. This report will be a broad-based future content of the environment and Fortstraat offer during a closing event.


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