Friday, December 21, 2007

Rate Of Respiration Reptiles Mammals


"JESUS LOVES ... CHRIST " Appcalypse22: 9
God's plan for issuing total, perfect and sustainable Côte d'Ivoire in the name of JESUS! Esaîe63: 1


God has entrusted the task to his servant, the Apostle-Félicien MALACHI CHAR OF ISRAEL AND HIS CAVALRY for Côte d'Ivoire: Conduire en trois (3) jours consécutifs de prière chaque chrétien à se rebâtir une nouvelle maison spirituelle plus solide et plus dure en JÉSUS-CHRIST... car les temps qui arrivent seront des périodes d'épreuves pour chaque chrétien et les maisons spirituelles bâties sur du sable seront écroulées quelque soit le nombre d'années que vous avez passé dans votre Eglise locale. Amen!
1. Résumé de la mission pour la Côte d'Ivoire que Dieu a confié à son serviteur l'Apôtre Félicien-MALACHIE. 2. Post Revelation of the Apostle-Félicien MALACHI for the issue of Côte d'Ivoire captive. 3. Personal invitation of the Apostle Félicien-MALACHI.

Côte d'Ivoire is a separate nation. On the spiritual nation is certainly the country that we live physically, but also an individual, a person as it is written: "And the Lord said: Two nations are in thy stomach and two peoples shall be separated out of thy bowels, and one of these people will be stronger than the other and the older will serve the younger. "Genèse25: 23. In the spiritual world, which is very small both very large. A result to the lowest level have the same effect at higher level (here it is an individual and the nation). He that hath ears to hear, let him hear what says the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus ... * THE ORIGIN OF THE INVASION OF THE IVORY COAST AND THE PROCEDURE FOR ISSUING COUNTRY CAPTIVE. Today any Coast Ivory physical needs Delivery is because it is owned to say overgrown or filled in by the evil spirit of rebellion. But if any Côte d'Ivoire physical captive, because many individuals are also captive or possessed by bloodthirsty demons. As for the origin of these demons is the result of practices mysticism, fetishism, marabou, idolatry in general and especially for sorcery, sexual immorality (fornication, debauchery) and Earnings sordid ... The issue of Côte d'Ivoire physics, necessarily passes through the issuance of individuals in this country. Satan and his agents executors have now several captive individuals in this country. Even the one you see next to you dressed in the uniforms of the most extravagant, most expensive, in a nice house in a nice car in a box, also living in the nude or not and has not not Lord Jesus in his life is truly capable of transporting her body in a demon warrior, fierce and bloody ... * THE PARABLE OF LARGE TREES WITH THE BIRDS NEST. Do you picture a large tree housing the nest of birds gendarmes. These birds leave their nests in the morning to pick up grain for miles Rice part.Imaginons few walls as these birds will destroy the rice fields far walls, were driven from this tree (as a dwelling place) with complete destruction of their nest, they will come back again easily? Certainly not, since they need time to rebuild their nests ... * THE HUMAN BODY, PLACE OF RESIDENCE OF DEMONS. THE SOUL OF MAN, THE TARGET TARGET BY DEMONS ... Indeed, it should be clear that all agents executors of Satan, the demons that destroy men today by the mass killings in search of blood, that is to say of the soul because the soul of a man lives in his blood (LE17: 14; Ge9: 4). All these demons were also places of residence where they go out to do evil, seeking souls to Hades. Brace yourself, the settlements of these demons, in large part, these are the bodies of men. A fatal disease is the presence of a type of demon. Body owned, lewd, angry, mystical, and other fetish also represents the presence of a "whole city" other type of demon, spirit, especially witchcraft. * WORK OF DEMONS LIVING IN A HUMAN BODY. These are those demons at some point in collaboration with external demons, leaving bodies and use other media people from near and far to cause mass killings. NB: But once hunted the human body, these demons are projected in the drylands by the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Jesus far from their home town ... These demons in their wiles arm one or more individuals making them insensitive and very irritated with no exact cause, willing to do evil. On the other hand, these same demons still drives others having previously corrupted their thinking and thinking their physical strength to withstand before the more sophisticated weapons. The ultimate goal of this opposition of two or more children of God by the devil, is necessarily draw blood to drink first and then recover its soul. * WON THAT SATAN, THE DEVIL, THE OLD SNAKE? Actually the devil has never created a single man, so he has no regrets in doing so ... It has nothing to lose but to win souls innocent or not to fill the grave ... Because if someone dies in this state without having accepted and confessed the name of JESUS CHRIST , who is the Way, Truth and the Life (Jn14: 6) , his soul will end up in hell instead of going into the bosom of Abraham ... * THE DIABOLICAL PRIORITIZATION AND CONSEQUENCES ON THE HUMAN CREATURE. There is a hierarchy of demons. And those who attack the now Ivory Coast, taking human carriers are a class of bloodthirsty evil spirits whose mission is to create havoc in the country to win the most souls in the direction of hell . These demons have the same ambitions as the sadistic evil spirits called "AIDS": the destruction of human creatures of God. And where they are present, they ravage individuals up to drinking the blood humain.Ils are ruthless and have a spiritual goal to accomplish and a diabolical result pathetic submission to their master Satan. Pushed by someone dies of AIDS fornication or pushed by the spirit dies rebellion by arms, is the same hammer that strikes satanic changing Sleeve ... * THE IMPORTANCE FOR THE IVORY COAST TO BE ISSUED IN THE NAME OF JESUS. So if a man is not delivered in the name of JESUS, it is always likely to be used with or without his will to achieve by demons their goal. For know that the spirit is stronger than human flesh and it is much easier for a demon to move a man, a man lifting a sheet morte.Celui which can resist movement of demons c ' is one who has Jesus Christ in his life! AMEN!

Today, the queen of witches in this country used to collect the maximum amount of blood is a woman of an ethnic group here in South ... (I will not mention his ethnicity to avoid fighting against flesh and blood). But this woman dragged by the spirit witchcraft is still on the run away from any issue. His issue is also that of the entire Cote d'Ivoire because in the spiritual world it is she who manages the file diabolical Côte d'Ivoire ...

The solution, far from carnal to be based on a massive issue with conversion that the Lord God our Father Jesus wants to operate among all who live in this country.
-Custom Solutions:
is for you my brother, my sister following me now, if you do not want to serve support human to hell, to die and now find yourself in addition to the residence of death, accepted the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior even now. Accepts 1-
also make you deliver your possession (because you do not know what spirit inhabits your body) and your health (even so-called incurable) in the name of JESUS!
2-If you are already a born again Christian, get up at once to proclaim the Gospel by all appropriate means to all those around you so that the maximum is saved in the name of JESUS!
Intercede also for Muslims, marabouts, fetishists, mystics, rebels physical and nations surround us in confessing their sin first.
3-If you are a man of God (devoted servant), reorganized from today your deliverance sessions with reinforcement without the prior requirement of money in order to receive the most faithful Christians!
4-If you are a missionary, get out of the four walls and amplifies your crusades and open air to save the maximum number of Ivorians in the name of JESUS!

NB: For Men of God, it is currently advised to focus on the links in hereditary deliverances. It is indeed a deep and total deliverance.

1-All the authorities established by God in this country: From the head of state to the lowest level.
2-Pupils and Students, "an army warrior carnal"
3-All Ivorian army including police
4-The rest of the people

Nothing is impossible with God ( Luc1: 37) and you will soon see a miracle take place on the Cote d'Ivoire is used without carnal weapons as long as you always put your trust in JESUS CHRIST, the True God (1Jn5: 20) because faith does not have the patience. AMEN!

We are pleased to present a copy of the Journal HALLELUJAH and hope to see you in one of the SEMINAR "JTF-MIRACLE IN THE NAME OF JESUS." You'll get a grant and perfect conversion with a new spiritual home and just solid JESUS CHRIST. You can also invite us home!

CONTACTS: Apostle Félicien-MALACHI CHAR OF ISRAEL AND HIS CAVALRY (Missionary) Mobile Phone: (225) 06-00-26-41 Tel Still: (225) 22-50-67-41 email: website:

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sympathy Card Islam Death


DELIVERY Occultism, mysticism, spiritualism, ETC.

* The spirits of witchcraft, husbands and wives at night, human spirits of witchcraft ...
How to get a good supply of such evil spirits in the Name of JESUS!

PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS (For those who believe to be saved already, it can bypass this step)

For anyone who has not the assurance of Hi or has not yet sincerely confessed Jesus as his Lord and Savior, he must the following prayer of confession before continuing Deliverance in depth.
1-O God, for a long time I followed my own way and I did my own will.
2-Today I heard your Word, laVérité. I saw your works in my life.
3-I acknowledge that I too have sinned against you by my unfruitful works of darkness that I practiced in the light of the Word of Christ.
4- Therefore today I condemn and I repent forever before Thy face from my sins.
5-I believe in my heart that You, God, Thou hast raised up the Lord Jesus from the dead so that I am saved.
6-A the instant I accept JESUS CHRIST sincerely in my heart and I publicly confess that He is my Lord and Savior.
7-O God, take me and lead me by your grace Starting today in the name of JESUS! AMEN!
8-I purify my body, my soul, my spirit in the Blood of Jesus.
9-I praise Thee and I give glory to Daddy O's new birth that you just give me today by Thy Grace in the Name of JESUS! AMEN!

If this prayer is made sincerely and that you believe to be saved by the Grace of our Father Jesus, you can continue now.


simply recall that these evil spirits originate from hereditary links in terms of demonic worship performed by the subject himself or by one of his immediate family and / or his ancestors.
Occultism, mysticism, spiritualism and other are the main entrances of these unclean spirits there. Christians threatened or affected by the spirits of witchcraft by example must observe the following steps by the prayers of faith in Jesus Christ for self-deliverance .

STEP No. 1: Repentance in connection with idolatrous practices personal or indirectly linked to those of immediate relatives or ancestors ( to the fourth generation ).

* In practice it is necessary to do the following prayers (with possible reformulation) in the Name of Jesus.
1-O God, I acknowledge that I and my parents, we've done all that is evil in your eyes by worshiping other false gods of the waters, mountains, rocks, sacred forests, the sun, moon, and others.
(Include the Christian worship of false gods he knows well under inspiration of the Holy Spirit)
2-O God, have mercy on my parents and me and forgive my parents and that to myself all our iniquities bad alliances across these false worship in the name of JESUS!
3-Thanks Dad, for the forgiveness of my sins and those of my parents in the name of JESUS.

STEP 2: Break ties, delivery and closing entrances demons in our lives in the name of JESUS.

1-Starting today I destroy any connection between these evil demons and me in the name of JESUS!
2-I pull my body, my soul, my spirit from the hands of demons, sorcery, husband and wife at night, human spirits of witchcraft in the name of JESUS!
3-I plunged into the Blood of Jesus. I close any door used by Satan and his demons to achieve my life in the blood of Jesus.

STEP 3: Please order or authority to do.

1-I bind the satanic spirit who is behind these demons in the Blood of Jesus.
2-You devils, who are still in my life, I command you to release my body, my soul and my spirit in the Name of Jesus. Do come again no more in the name of JESUS!
3-I declare my actual issue of these demons from today in the name of JESUS.
4-I give You glory, O Father for the salvation You just give me this day in the name of JESUS. Amen!
NB After these prayers of faith in Jesus Christians should no longer fall into the sins openly mentioned in the Bible and especially these:
-Do not go see a mystic, a healer, a witch doctor for an animal sacrifice to a demon.
-If a relative asks you for money to go make a sacrifice of animals for any false god (as you say openly), you should always refuse this request.
-Do not fall into sexual immorality that is to say in fornication. It must first regularize their marital status before going with a man or a woman JESUS.

II-called incurable diseases

The same prayer may be made by someone who suffers from incurable diseases and even say the devil mystery of AIDS.
Only at the Prayer No. 2 of Step3 , it will replace the word daemon by the expressions " demon-mystery of AIDS " or " incurable diseases .
These are prayers of faith in Jesus Christ and not magical prayers. That is why Christians must above all seek sincere repentance and also have a life of consecration, sanctification and holiness to better conserve its issue in JESUS CHRIST.


It should be noted here that is the faith of parents covering child . Parents are required to observe the first procedures mentioned above and after that pray for the child simply tearing his body, his soul, his spirit from the hands of any evil spirit in the Name of Jesus.
Close any door of the devil in the life of the child with the blood of Jesus.
In practice we must say this:
- "I pull the body, the soul, the spirit of my child by the hand of Satan and his demons in the Name of Jesus !
- "I plunge his body, his soul, his spirit in the Blood of Jesus."
- "I close all the entrances used by Satan and his demons to reach my child in the Blood of Jesus."
Finally we must say this:
- "Oh Father I give You glory for the issue that you've given to my child in that day, even in the name of JESUS. AMEN!"

NB Please contact us to bear witness of the miracles of deliverance in your life after the prayers in the Name of Jesus. This is so that your testimony is a source of salvation for thousands of persons through the same situations as you.
You can connect to the prayers of others by copying provided they are total and not partial. But also give glory to our Father Jesus by citing the source of prayer:
If you want an issue even in a specific area your life, please contact us by writing to us on these following addresses:
Mobile Tel: (225) 06-00 - 26-41
fixed Tel: (225) 22-50-67-41

(There is no video yet for this message).

Monday, December 17, 2007

Where Can I Found Jerachi In Pokemon Deluge


The Parable of the Rich Man Abidjan and his three son.

U No rich man lived in the district of Cocody in Abidjan Angré (Republic Côte d'Ivoire) with his three son. The first two children that is to say, the eldest and the second was much closer to their father every day. When he arrives at work, both rushed upon him, either to take the case or to take her coat to keep it going where it's needed. And every day is what are the first two children before retiring after the father is ready to eat. The youngest appeared to be insensitive and always sitting in an armchair he watched his older brothers do these things.
One day the rich man called his three children and said
"Here I a good and great news for you today: You know what I promise you, I have always done in every detail to you even when it is you who ask first. But today I ask you to observe this. This afternoon at around 14 o'clock I get home here with the President of the Republic. Indeed, he called me yesterday telling me that he has received good reviews from me about my activities in my department. He wants to come visit me for various issues. I ask you, "he says, to clean the house, the front, the seats first. Then you sit down, you my three son, in your best clothes. Around 14 hours, you put the cadet respectively at the door, and you two in the living room to greet us. "All three children responded by saying:" Yes, we will act like you said, Father. "
A man has just picked up his briefcase and has set foot outside, the two older son began to laugh and mock the words of their father. they said this: "We know that our father was always fulfilled all its promises and even what we ask. But today, our father brought out the words of delusion ... because how can he say that the President of the Republic will come see him personally. Even if he is the Prime Minister, the President will never do that to him. For the first time, certainly my father drank too much and he is lying. "The two great son ate and slept well and after that at about 14 hours they pulled away from the living room of the house contrary to what their father asked.
The youngest meanwhile, has said: "Even though I do not always lurking around my dad, but I see what he has done to our égard.Il has always been faithful in his words and jokes and lies are never found in his mouth. I I trust him and I think it will come with the President of the Republic. "The youngest son cleared a few chairs, living room, front and went to the door at around 14 hours as his father's recommendation.
In about 14 hours exactly, a big limousine stopped in front of the court and the father got out of the car with the President. Finding the house empty of the presence of two other children, and not wanting to remark that the President something wrong, the father exclaimed: "My only child, you wanted to welcome us. May God bless you in JESUS name. Come sit now. "The child sat down. At the end of President's visit, it said the father: "I wanted to surprise you in a note that I wanted to ask thee. Indeed, I plan to take care myself of university education of your children From this year until they finish their studies and work. Since you have only one son that I saw, I'm starting from this coming to the U.S. next to California where I would have already booked a car and a house for him to study better. "
Then the President of the Republic and withdrew the child and the father in joy after having blessed God organized a small feast. When the two great son heard the news, they started to blame their father, saying he has never loved ones who were always very caring in his home. The father replied in turn: "Indeed you have always been with me but your heart was never with me and you have never trusted despite your physical actions, carnal. And now, your little brother appeared to be more remote a lot more confidence in me than you all. He has received his reward for having obeyed my voice. it is this obedience that demonstrates to him that he had placed his trust in me was really sincere . .. There, he will be in the United States this year. You, I'll sign up in the second university that has been created inside the country during the Harmattan (particular season marked by a dry wind with a lot of dust in the air difficult to breathe marked by a total absence of rain) there is no water. Because you can no longer be in Abidjan by my side in hypocrisy. And the day when you show a sincere confidence in me, you will return to me. "
Both son withdrew all sad from the face of their father.

C ette parable is the image of the actual exercise of the Christian faith. There are many people who think they believe (or put their trust ) in JESUS CHRIST. But unfortunately they refuse to voluntarily or not the perfect will of God for them at a specific time .
Many Christians also complain that they have fasted and prayed our Father Jesus, the true God, without seeing the blessing Promised happen. In reality this is not the blessing of God that does not come. But rather, a Christian himself away from that blessing by his disobedience vis-à-vis a recommendation that God asked him to observe . You should know that behind a will that God asks us to observe, there is a blessing (physical, financial, social, spiritual) that is attached to it. Since we refuse to bend to the Will of God, the blessing is also related to us automatically canceled if we not repent of our disobedience despite any faith we believe we have.
Believing in Jesus is to rely completely on Jesus , the Lord all the Earth. If anyone thinks also put his trust in our Father Jesus, that person must prove this by doing what God asked him to do at a particular time if the Lord does not recognize his faith as it is written in Luc6: 46: "Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not you do what I say? .
S years obedience the Voice of God our Father Jesus our faith is null and it is more than dead, she does not even exist. It is just the hypocrisy of mimicry is in JESUS. The observation of the Perfect Will of God is the first major work Christian faith as it is written again in Jacques2: 14.17: "Brethren, what shall it man says he has faith, he hath not works? Can faith save him? "," It is so faith, if it hath not works She died in itself. "

Whoever who has ears to hear, hear this parable. AMEN!
The Christian faith does not exclude obedience . the contrary, faith is confirmed by obedience to the Voice of God in Jesus.

Beloved (e), if you were touched by this message, if you recognize that somewhere you have not found the perfect will of God for you at a specific time to repent quickly not to let slip a spiritual blessing with thee.
F simply ais this prayer:
"Oh Daddy, I acknowledge that I have sinned against you in disobedience to your will for me (to quote the subject of disobedience )..."
"Now Father, have mercy on me and forgive me this disobedience in the name of Jesus."
"Oh Dad I ask your Grace to be able to make all your wishes with me in the name of JESUS!"

If you make this prayer and believe that God our Father Jesus has come true, give glory to him now ...

P o, my brother who has not confessed the Name of Jesus, here is the prayer for hope to be saved by faith in the Name of JESUS!

"O God, today I heard your word and I received it in my heart. I condemn and I repent in front of your face! I believe in my heart that You, God, You have risen the Lord Jesus from the dead so that I am saved. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. O Father, I want to walk with you, take me and take me from today ' Today in the Name of JESUS! I purify my body, my soul, my spirit in the Blood JESUS. AMEN! "

Ministry of JESUS
contacts: Mobile Phone (225) 06-00-26-41.
fixed Tel: (225) 22-50-67-41.
Website (strongly recommended):

Apostle Félicien-MALACHI OF ISRAEL AND ITS CHAR CAVALRY and his fellow missionary works in JESUS.
December 17, 2007.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Chatroulette Switching Logitech Cam

How Christians can dominate on the diseases no longer be slaves in the name of Jesus? JESUS SAVES

1-What is a disease?
On the spiritual level, the disease here translated unpleasant dysfunction in the body (or body) human due to the presence of a foreign body. This deplorable breach of the human body is entirely the work of the devil, although it is permitted by God as a punishment that punishes the transgression of a divine (that is to say, sin) by a man that he is a Christian or not.
According to the Scriptures in the Book of Deuteronomy in chapitre28 verset15 from the bodily disease is one of spiritual and physical punishment attach to one who leaves the Will of God in Jesus Christ after experiencing the Good, the Truth.

2-What do we attack the devil?
That means all kinds of fiery darts of the devil can inflict on a man, a Christian who would be in addition disobedience vis-a-vis God, our Father Jesus. Beyond the physical disease, the devil can attack on the spiritual, social, physical and financial. A Christian who abandons the way of God, the life of piety in Jesus may have received a demonic attack (this which has not necessarily translated from a disease here). Discouragement is an attack of the devil. The destruction of tangible property and loss of income are also demonic attacks.

3-Is a Christian can fall sick again?
Yes. The Christian who sins is not immunized against the disease. Far from it. Instead, the disease attacks the part of the devil above mentioned, the Christian who opens a door into his life by sin, that is to say, by the transgression of a divine in Jesus Christ can suffer the consequences. That is why even our Father Jesus during His Department of Earth after someone cured according to the Bible, is always recommended:
"Go and sin no more."
The Christian who sins receives attacks, and thus a disease if it does not automatically repents his evil way, that is to say his sins.
Since the Old Testament to New Testament, those who received God our Father Jesus also known disease after any sin.
Some examples:
-disease Prophetess Miriam (or Mary), sister of Moses in Nombres12: 10.
-disease of servant Gehazi Elysee 2Rois5: 27.
-disease work Trophime companion of the Apostle Paul in 2Timothée4: 20.
The problem is no longer whether a Christian can fall ill, but is it that Christians can dominate and master the influences of recurrent disease on his life in the name of JESUS?

4-Is a Christian can really dominate the attacks of the devil in the Name of Jesus?
Yes, a born again Christian can truly and completely dominate the attacks of the devil in the Name of Jesus.

5-Is a Christian can really dominate the recurrent disease?

For the specific case, we will see how a Christian can really dominate on diseases in the Name of Jesus.

6-Does God our Father Jesus can inflict a disease at a Christian?
No, God our Father, Jesus does not inflict sickness to a man in addition to a Christian because God is not tempted by evil as it is written in
Jacques1: 13: "That person, when 'he is tempted, should say: It is God that my God can not be tente.Car tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one. "
should rather deal with God our Father Jesus to conquer and dominate the disease permanently by active faith.

7-Are there any diseases Natural?
No, there is no natural diseases. To say that there are natural diseases, is to simply say that God our Father Jesus created man with diseases' sources' c ' is to say diseases since the original Adam and Eve. But the Bible does not confirm that. Adam and Eve were indeed created without disease but since the Adamic sin that God our Father Jesus will allow that man knows corporel.Toute dieback disease is the devil's attack, following a sin that must be removed from the body in the Name of Jesus.

8-How to understand the machinations of the devil and the means to defeat them in the name of JESUS?
The devil is based exactly on the Word of God (declared or declared) before doing anything to man. In a word, it releases the Order of the Mouth of God our Father Jesus that the devil is running in a man's life when this lack of knowledge of sin against the Lord all the Earth.

Ayat-it spiritual principles to understand first?
There are indeed spiritual principles that have predetermined knowledge and understanding to keep out the evil. Among these principles, we hold them in: *
Esaîe59 :1-2 "No, the hand of the LORD is not too short to save,
Nor his ear too dull to hear .
But your iniquities have separated
you from your God;
your sins have hidden His face
and prevent listen to you. "

This first spiritual principle shows that there is separation of God from man who commits a sin and it automatically no matter what God's love for us.
Ezéchiel18 *: 4 "Behold, all souls are mine: the soul of the son as the soul of the father and the other one is mine: the soul who sins is that she will die."

This second principle also shows that sin is automatically punishable even by death.
* Deutéronome28: 15.22 "But if you do not obey the voice of the LORD thy God if you do not observe and do not put into practice all his commandments and all His statutes which I command you today, all these curses shall come on thee and be thy share: the LORD will smite thee with consumption, fever, inflammation, burning heat, drying, jaundice and gangrene, which will pursue you until you perish. "" Even the Lord will bring upon you until you are destroyed All kinds of diseases and wounds that are not mentioned in the book of this law. "

The third principle derived from these verses actually demonstrates that the disease is also sharing one who falls into sin without repenting.
1Corinthiens5: 1.5 "We usually hear that some of you from fornication, and fornication as is not found even among pagans is the point that one of you were the wife of his father. " "That man should be surrendered to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."
Again the spiritual principle is the same, sin leads man to be delivered to the devil if he does not repent sincerely and systematic JESUS.

b-How is the straight way of the Lord God our Father Jesus that we must observe and practice?
Faced with these decrees spiritual, God, our Father Jesus, has made arrangements (orders) pro should know and practice the faith. They are found in:
Ezéchiel33: 11 "Say: I live, says the Lord God, what I desire is not that the wicked should die, that it changes ways and live. Come back, come back from your evil ways, and why should you die ?..."
Ezéchiel33 :14-16 "When I tell the wicked, Thou shalt surely die, if he returns from his sin and practice righteousness and justice,
If making the pledge, if he restores what he pleased, if he follows the precepts that give life, without committing iniquity, he shall live It will not die.
All the sins he has committed will be forgotten, if practice righteousness and justice, he shall live. "
Our Father Jesus has put in place ordinances favorable to protect us from attacks quickly the devil after any sin.

c-After having understood and accepted these provisions divine favor, what is the first stage of practice issue or the healing that must begin?

* In practice the Christian prayer what should he do?

After having understood and accepted these provisions favor the Christian God must begin with these words of spiritual liberation following

Proverbes28: 13 "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes have mercy. "
1Jean1: 9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

The average effective spiritual to return quickly in the Ways of the Lord after a sin (to avoid attacks of the devil) is repentance.

Conveniently made these following prayers:
"O Father (or Dad), I acknowledge that I have sinned against you by all that is abominable before your eyes (state here the sins that the Holy Spirit your heart will fail without one).
O Papa forgive me all these sins in the name of JESUS! "
"Cleanse me of the Blood of Jesus ..."

DYT there still Biblical passages that allow the Christian patient to have more confidence in his recovery?
Dive into insurance for your healing by meditating on the Word follows:
Esaîe53: 5 "But he was wounded for our transgressions,
crushed for our iniquities;
Punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
And by His wounds we are healed. "

e-Now that the Christian is more reassured by this verse, what is the moment offensive spiritually he must observe?

Now that you have confidence in healing through faith in Jesus Christ go to Step Christian's offensive against the disease that makes you suffer at the moment.
-For this we must rely on at least one of the authorities given by our spiritual Father JESUS!
Luc10: 19 "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall hurt you."

-Knowledge of the spiritual authority is not enough. We now move to the Equity Solution under God, our Father Jesus to that effect immediately as written in:
Marc11 :23-24 "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Get out away and cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be accomplished. " "Therefore I tell you everything you ask in prayer, believe that you received it, and it will be yours."

-In practice, what prayers should be done now to remove the disease?
In practice, made this following prayer to remove the disease (mountain) of your body:
"Diseases (name them) who are in my body, I order you out of there at once in the name of JESUS! "
Note: You can repeat several times the prayer if you still feel pain and that the Holy Spirit convinces you to do. Otherwise stop and go to the next step.
"We must now plead the Blood of Jesus to heal the traces caused by this disease in your body.
* Conveniently say:
"I heal traces caused by this disease or this mystery demon in my body by the blood of Jesus. "
-last step in this phase: to glorify God our Father Jesus by faith (mainly) to show the devil that you have the assurance of your complete recovery and perfect.
* Conveniently say:
"Lord God of all the earth, I give You glory for the miraculous cure that You've give me by Thy Grace In the Name of JESUS! AMEN! "

9-spiritual What precautions should I take now in JESUS not to fall again easily in the disease?

First you must know how to keep healing. If the devil, by any manner whatsoever, just make you believe that the same evil is this: It must be said simply: "Satan stop your tricks for this disease because Jesus has already healed Dad ... (and you'll see on the field these effects have stopped. "

When there will be another attack, the Christian must know that it automatically opened a door by any sin. Therefore the field, before other share a quick prayer of repentance. (It should never fall into pride before God, our Father Jesus saying: "I did nothing and I'm sick or attacked.")
After repentance, we must also control the disease or pain from the name of JESUS!
In doing so by faith, you preserve your health every day without any concern vis-à-vis the attacks on evil.

10-In order to better resist disease and attacks of the devil what Christians can do in advance?
* You must flee ahead of the sins mentioned in the Bible openly.
* must also take into consideration all the revelations that you receive (by dream, vision, Oracle Prophecy Word of knowledge and others ...) that our Dad JESUS gives. Do not say in your heart when you wake "I saw just a nightmare."
* You should know that our Father Jesus is faithful and no attack happens to us without having been notified in writing as
Amos3: 7 "For the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets. "
* You must escape the spiritual neglect preventive is to not to pay attention to the divine revelations (vision, dreams, prophecies and others) as it is written in:
Job33 :14-18 "God speaks, however, sometimes one way, sometimes another, and we are not point guard. "
" He speaks through dreams, visions by night ,..." "While it gives them warnings ... "" To divert man from evil and to preserve the pride. "" To ensure his soul from the pit, and his life power of the sword. "

11-Is there spiritual methods of prevention against diseases in the Bible?
Methods spiritual preventive attacks and diseases recommended in the Bible: * The coating
Christian defensive weapons
(Ephésiens6 :10-18) : To defend himself, the Christian must take seven (7) spiritual weapons following the name of JESUS!

1-The belt of truth (that means you have to have the truth in the mouth and not lies)
2-The breastplate of righteousness (It must practice the righteousness of God in JESUS)
3-The zeal of the Gospel as shoe our feet (that is to say we should seek to use their feet to communicate the gospel and not go dancing and drinking at a bush or bistro only ...)
4-The shield of faith (Always believe and put their trust in Jesus)
The 5-Hi's helmet (must always have the assurance of Hi in JESUS): No one who has no assurance that its Hi in Jesus can not use a spiritual authority to drive out a demon in the Name of Jesus. Since no heathen can not cast a demon in the name of JESUS!
6-L'épée of the Spirit (that is to say the Word of God, the Bible must meditate to put then into practice regularly)
7-The prayers and supplications (Always pray in humility and ask our concerns in the Name of Jesus)

12-What are the latest recommendations that the Christian spiritual cured of a disease must be retained?
Finally, we must avoid by all means the weapon diabolical and clever to say: The fear and panic. * The Devil
through fear before attacking: this is his first method. No disease ought to scare the Christians again.
should rather be afraid of sinning against God, our Father JESUS!
* He who falls in fear, yields readily to panic and panic He loses self-control (it lacks temperance is a life of Holiness). He who lack temperance easy to forget the spiritual authority that holds the name of JESUS. He then disarmed before the spiritual battle and it becomes an easy prey
the devil and demons.

13-For those who have not yet accepted God our Father Jesus as Savior, what should he do immediately?

For those who want to accept the Lord, our Father Jesus as his Lord and Savior here is the prayer of confession to make:

"O God, today I heard Your Word and I got it in my heart.
I condemn and I repent before Your Face! I believe in my heart that You God Thou hast raised up the Lord Jesus from the dead so that I am saved.
I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
O Father, I want to walk with you today, take me and take me from today and forever in Jesus name Amen!

I purify my body, my soul, my spirit in the Blood of Jesus.
I Te Papa give glory to the new birth that you just give me the name of JESUS. AMEN! AMEN! "

If this message has touched you, if you will still receive other messages such practices, if you want to understand more, write us at: or
Mobile tel: (225) 06-00-26-41 / (225) 09-71-99-24.
fixed Tel: (225) 22-50 - 67-41.

Glory and Blessing to you Papa Jesus for ever and ever! AMEN! AMEN!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brazililian Big Mamas

HEALS AND ALSO ISSUED AND demonic possession incurable disease. TESTIMONY PRACTICE.

Miraculous Healing SEVERAL PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME FOR VARIOUS Demonic Possession: PYTHON SPIRIT, CYSTS , fibroids and other .. .
THE FIELD Maracanã in Cocody, Abidjan ANGRE COTE D'IVOIRE REP.DE.
February 2005
We were in the month of February 2005. The Lord Jesus inspires my Dad to a seminar in Cocody district of Abidjan. Physically it is an area of rich, wealthy people living in large houses seemingly at peace, a peace that gives the world ...
Spiritually, it is rather a neighborhood of poor people in Spirit, Jesus Christ, living in houses mostly filled with dark mystics where the strongest are sitting on treasures carnal passengers. They have a precarious peace worldly, in anguish, fear and anxieties. They all firmly placed their faith in material goods and riches of this world. Yet again our Father Jesus the Lord of all the land that is thanks to whom He pleases, which is no respecter of persons ordered me to go and proclaim the Good News of the Gospel there with specific lessons on the Kingdom of God . Indeed he has children he wants to save and deliver bless this place too.
Here as elsewhere in the rest of the common green spaces are managed and private property of residents. These spaces are assigned to public events upon written request ... But when it comes to the work of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Peace and Hi, the request is not automatically accepted because people find that there are too many noises in oreilles.Ils are tired and they want to relax. God still wait a bit before coming to talk to them they say.
When I applied for three successive one-day seminar gave me one day while shifting my hours chosen under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. But in our prayers of intercession that the Department
addressed to God, the miracle will happen and it will eventually give us three days in a miraculous way Name of Jesus. The real answer written agreement we reached was officially after the end of the three-day seminar ... something weird.
The battle was spiritual. But our common enemy the devil and his agents have failed again executors against the program in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

Several obstacles have been compiled by the devil encore.Le first day of the seminar as soon as I took the microphone to begin education on the influence of hereditary links , I just delivered the the first word of the amplifier has received a blow and stopped at the same time. So most of microphones to talk to the people who came relatively numerous in this field empty. When I wanted to raise my voice to shout out loud it broke too. Then the Holy Spirit inspired me to speak normally. And then a miraculous way my voice was amplified throughout the land and people understood me perfectly on at least two hours of instruction. This was also one of the first miracles of Jesus my Dad.
When I pronounced the last word of the teaching day to spend together in prayer I was informed by the technical side of me that a new device has arrived under very miraculous indeed. To you glory Father God Véritable.Amen JESUS!

as it is written in Psalm 107:20 "He sent his word and healed them. He delivered them from the pit . "
This seminar was clearly marked by miraculous healings and deliverances from the lyrics that my Dad put JESUS in my mouth.
Another highlight yet during this program is like the Holy Spirit had met that day men and women suffering the same evils in the head and stomach to heal all .

as it is written in Esaie44: 26 "I confirm the word of my servant and I am doing what my envoys predict ..."

That day God sent through me Words of Knowledge for almost every participant sick or possessed. And every word of healing and deliverance proclaimed in the name of Jesus is confirmed exactly miraculous ways in the lives of interested. Many cries unclean spirits coming out of bodies were heard loud and clear. Many incurable diseases left the mouths of vomiting. Never before have we seen God manifest his glory in the Name of Jesus by the wonders and prodiges.Le Holy Spirit was really moving in the crowd.

as it is written in 2 Timothy 1:8 'N' ale therefore ashamed of the testimony to our Lord ... "

When the appeal was launched to give evidence, any participant that day no one wanted to be begged to come up and say what the Lord Jesus Almighty God Mighty had achieved a miracle in their bodies.
One of the most striking evidence was that Ms. Koffi that following a meeting with a "medium", he told her she filed a "snake" in his groin heal the thinking of another evil powers mystiques.Elle feels so regular movement of the snake in his stomach which is causing great pain.

as it is written in Jean14: 27, Esaïe92-3
"I give you peace I give you my peace. I do not give to you as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. " or "You make the great people, you grant him great joy, he looks forward to the harvest, as cries of joy of sharing the spoils." "For the yoke weighed on him, he struck his stick back, the rod of the man who oppressed, You breezes, as the day of Midian. "

Indeed joy and peace they were sharing that day there. The participants all had good-looking either overtly as in secret. That is why even the second day of the program they invited him to turn many others still.
let all the glory , honor and glory back to our Father Jesus. AMEN! AMEN!

as it is written in Luc19: 9
"Jesus said to him: The day is salvation come to this house, because it also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost. "

When at the close of the evidence I asked all those who want to give the Lord Jesus to do it, great was our surprise to see almost a third of the congregation coming to confess Name of our Father JÉSUS.Ils have therefore taken this step in accordance with the written word in Romains10 :9-10
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has risen from the dead, thou shalt be saved. "" For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and it is in the mouth confession is made unto salvation ... "


Beloved (e) if you have been affected (e) with edifying testimony and you want to give your life to this day our Dad JESUS TO BE SAVED THIS PLEASE DO NEXT WITH FAITH.

"O God, today I heard your Word through these stories and I've received in my cœur.Je acknowledge that I am a sinner and have done all that is evil in your eyes .
I condemn and I repent before You this day. I believe in my heart that You, God, Thou hast raised up the Lord Jesus from the dead so that I am saved.
I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
O Father, I want to walk with you, take me and take me from today and forever in Jesus name Amen!
I sanctify my body, my soul, my mind in the Blood of Jesus
I give You all the glory for Papa New Birth that you just give me by Thy Grace to NAME OF JESUS. AMEN! Alleluia!

Beloved (e) if you did this prayer with sincere faith, believe that the moment you left the devil (darkness) to return to the Hand of God our Father Jesus the true (the light). That is to say you are saved (e) to Eternal Life.