Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Shoes Do I Wear To A Rave

BITS: THE WAY SOON to 4.80 €?

The Hair Raising ineffectiveness of the STIB is matched only by his ability to make its "services" increasingly unattractive . Thus, from 1 February 2011, new tariffs will come into force. The operator announced that the travel contracts MOBIB become even more profitable and that the subscription packages are simplified.

Subscriptions are now offered for two age categories: under 25 and between 25 and 64.

For travelers 60 and older, their monthly Stib rise to 35 euros (+6.7%) while the annual increase to 368 euros (11.52%). For the MTB (giving access to networks STIB, TEC, De Lijn and SNCB in Brussels), the note will rise to 410 euros for an annual subscription (+10.5%) and 39.6 euros for the month (+5.5%). Subscriptions Stib reach 368 euros for the year (+11.6) and 35 euros for monthly subscriptions.

This new increase - after that of the same ilk applied last year - seems to have intended to encourage older people to equip themselves with a map MOBIB, free for those over 65.

Regarding the tickets, the price of the card JUMP 1 trip goes to 1.80 € and that the map JUMP 10 trips to 12.50 €. The contract price MOBIB - 5 € - remains unchanged.

What STIB has also announced it is continuing gantry entrance piers. But go further: we will soon present to the ticket machine to get out. One way to fight against fraud - what we understand. The free rider will pay the sum of 3 € to get out of the subway.

We note, however perverse : For travelers (and there are still many) who travel with the cards will carry some sort of fine if the road beyond time. Indeed, the ticket is only valid for 60 minutes, he could submit a valid ticket at the exit and will therefore ... pay 3 € more to get in order and see the portal open to him. Cher, the journey ... Not possible? Course (see article "BITS: THE PATH OF A TIME". ). STIB must take this into account . It is intolerable that a traveler must necessarily pay a fine when he was "mechanically" not able to do otherwise ....

Otherwise, it will be more cunning than ever, or play hide and seek in the public transportation system ... comic (STIB did in this case, strictly and definitively nothing in the idea of honorable public transit).


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