Sunday, January 2, 2011

Miosotis And Milena Velba In Bath


The Defense Committee of Saint-Gilles had been approached by many residents to return to the municipality a petition against the planned construction of a parking place under the Marie Janson. Here is what were the arguments (pname we erased the names of signatories and for the sake of discretion and respect for private life). All times are texting phrases.

extend the Sunday market on the square ...

We do not want this car!

The goal should be to make the area more pleasant for residents and invest in green instead of investing in cars and to facilitate the presence of yet more cars.

Another trick for the car! And public transit??

make love, not parking

why so much concern for one mode of transport dangerous, polluting and inappropriate to the city what the car?

I work the streets of Mint and the traffic is already very dense to add endless work and other potential nuisance

There are already plenty of parking spaces like that in Saint-Gilles, it lacks cons of green space.

How Parking can participate in the formal objective of the joint reduce traffic pressure? Burying the cars do not reduce their pressure!

Considering the aesthetic disaster Place Morichar, I prefer doing nothing, rather than leaving a trowel over the hands of gentrification that have that profit goal

I would see some of our déicdeurs a little more consistency between the decisions taken at the regional plans (Iris 2, PRD) to reduce traffic pressure in city management options taken locally to provide parking spaces for access to the shops!

less parking = less cars in town!

parking would not increase the friendliness of the neighborhood.

a word: Terrible Sad


maar geen parking Openbaar vervoer meer

What St Gilles is certainly not need extra cars at this location, but rather more facilities for pedestrian movement and supplies merchants.

parking = more cars = nuisance call to all of Brussels ... Let this beautiful town bike to downtown and public transportation!

Question: Pq this application for citizenship? And for security, I think the place is OK.

I'm not riverraine but when politicians stop they create vacuums cars in residential neighborhoods? It is mismanagement of public funds. We must improve the local TEC

The area is already overloaded with cars. It would be silly to add vehicular traffic near the forecourt, one of the last places of pedestrian friendly and city.

Excess car comes from the people who work at louise. Since the map of shoreline there are many more places before in my street. I see no point. This project

No parking place at Marie Janson, also because the streets of Moscow, Jourdan Street, the street of victory and the street Mint become uninhabitable for everyone rich or poor! Because too much noise, too much traffic and too much pollution!

for convivial public spaces open to people

Stop Car vacuums!

Enough parking in town! Yes to the friendliness and the people in public space

less cars, more bikes

we do not want an underground parking
- whose construction would last several years with all the pollution it would create
- which would cost the town millions of euros that could be invested elsewhere
- in the neighborhood that would attract more traffic and more cars
- which would defeat the objectives of development and sustainable mobility developed by the Region and desired by local residents

We want a rapid development of the square
surface - to keep the existing parking
- to enhance the sense of security
in the neighborhood - allowing greater ease and greater dynamic commercial
- allowing public participation in project design (opinion polls, calls for ideas, contests, etc.).

In terms of displacement the Brussels region, Iris 2, which was recently approved by the Brussels region, it is clearly stated that increasing the supply of parking in town is acting like a "vacuum cleaner cars" and therefore a significant degradation quality of life in Brussels, the only car parking is acceptable deterrence (or transit) at the entrance of the city, and the (small) parking "alternative" " for road space suppressed as a result of its sites for transport ... Let

really afford to Moscow that the square becomes really easy, secure, enjoyable for everyone. The proposed development with the labyrinth is already a very good idea of integration. Continue on this path there and not in parking expensive.

not the parking place Marie Janson

Many other priorities had been proposed by the residents as part of Agenda 21 launched by the Joint!

really, parking at this location would disfigure the dynamics of quartier.c is a place of passage, meeting, games for children and adolescents who play ball. NO NO NO to the proposed parking the cars we already pretty rotten life ville.Quand I see all these c.. alone in their cars all day it wears me out I want to walk in the city without breathing all the m.. and hear their horns to sound silly. thank you. Strongly project-smarter and worthy inhabitants of the city.

must agree with the cars in town

policy years 60, a car vacuum cleaner, a money pit!

To emphasize another mobility than that of the car at any price. Thank

should know what is Sustainable development means!

The construction of social housing and improving public transport are, in my opinion, much more priority than new parking spaces.

Total veto the proposed car park, this square is up to Janson leave it as is!

It's just a solution of the past. The future is not in the car. Building basement flooding problems worse (see the map on the website of rain IBGE). More parking = more cars, the equation is simple, proven. To fight against traffic congestion, stop the senseless and costly investments. The welfare of Saint-Gilles, do NOT go through an underground parking ...

I work in St Gilles and I hate to see this place and dug for parking there is one at 100m away (Porte de Halle)

There is a parking ground ss Gate Hall. Place
children and others.

Instead, take over public parking for bikes with shelter

No parking in the square janson !!!!!!

Another gift to cars that are invading the city!

The solution attracts parking cars instead of make them disappear. That investments are given in stib for it strengthens its offerings of services: it seems more efficient. (Married mother disabled child 7 years)


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