Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is It Possible To Drive With Mouse In Tdu?

The hymns have a story (III) "You'll Never Walk Alone" anthem of Liverpool Football Club

This ticket allows you to discover the long, tortuous and rich history of a hymn . Not a national anthem (though), but played a hymn, claimed, contested in the large green rectangle of a huge assembly that worships a strange object, a round ball. With many fans around the world, it is particularly strong in Britain. This is also where the hymn in question is coveted and attempted appropriation of conflict.

The road to success sometimes takes unexpected ways ...

1. From Broadway to the banks of the Mersey.

1945, the Magic Theatre Broadway welcomes a new musical that will hear a huge success: "Carousel . Created and libretto by Oscar Hammerstein II and set to music by Richard Rogers, " Carousel" has a tragic love story, born in New England in the late nineteenth century, around a roundabout, between Julie , a young worker, and Billy Bigelow, carnival.

Well lover, Billy abandons Julie drunk to the sweet pleasures of life until the day when the prospect of becoming a father made him commit the irreparable. To make quick money to the household he embarks on a bad shot that ended badly and in despair commits suicide.
After a long period in purgatory, he es t fortunately proposed to redeem himself and earn his place in heaven by returning land to improve the fate of his wife and his daughter put away from others by its bad reputation.

" Carousel" is a success (890 performances through May 1947) and will be repeated many times on stage American and European, especially in London. In 1956 a film adaptation tour is under the direction of Henry King (he also performs the adaptation, with Tyrone Power and Ava Gardner, Hemingway's book " The Sun Also Rises" ).
In 2006, actor Hugh Jackman has acquired the rights of the musical which should soon be a remake (Anne Hathaway and Julie could embody Hugh Jackman keep one of Billy Bigelow). Therefore a great success.

1963, Liverpool . The city is won by new rhythms from the other side of the Atlantic . First is the madness skiffle : with a guitar, a banjo, a washing board and a broomstick groups are formed throughout the city. One of them, The Quarrymen, was also taken by a John Lennon . (1) Then, a little strange instruments fall into disuse, the electric guitar made a triumphal entry into the world of music. Liverpool took a shot of juice: the Merseybeat was born. Obviously we think Beatles who move quickly up the charts. But other groups follow, called for a future, certainly more ephemeral, but nonetheless interesting, at least one of them: Gerry and the Pacemakers.

The band formed in 1959 around the siblings Marsden, consisting of Gerry and Fred and is managed by Brian Epstein a (2) . Their first hit "How do you do it?" reached the highest position of hits in March 1963. They connect with another 45 laps in May entitled " I like it" who knows the same success. In October 1963 they recur again and drop the highest up the charts with a cover of one of the titles of the musical "Carousel ": "You'll never walk alone . This is where the report came with the shin guards, cleated shoes and wet bathing suit. But before revealing the full, become aware of this moving song.

When you walk through a storm,
When you cross a storm
hold your head up high,
stands tall
and do not be afraid of the dark ;
and do not be afraid of the dark
At The End Of A Storm There Is a golden sky
after the storm there is a golden sky
& the sweet silver song of a lark.
the sweet song Silver of a lark.

Walk On Through The Wind,
Traverse wind
Walk On Through the Rain,
through rain
tho 'your dreams Be tossed and blown.
though your dreams be tossed and swept .

Walk on, walk on With hope in your heart,
running, continues to walk with Hope in the heart
and you'll never walk alone,
and you'll never walk alone
you'll never, ever walk alone.
you do not ever walk alone
Walk on, walk on With hope in your heart,
walk , continues to walk with hope in heart
and you'll never walk alone,
and you do not walk alone anymore
you'll never, ever walk alone.
You do not ever walk alone.

2. Boards in the locker room ...

But now that our song takes a new route to popular success. Remain at Liverpool in 1963. The city boat to the rhythm of Merseybeat and the Beatles. But Liverpool is also aware that vibrate at the passes, shots and goals from headers. For this one city, two football clubs share the hearing: LFC (Liverpool Football Club) the colors red and white and Protestant, one hand on the other hand, Everton dressed in blue affiliated with more Catholics. The derbies are inevitably the opportunity to exacerbate these tensions stage.

emblem of Liverpool Football Club
placed above the staircase on which people
players to the lawn. The touch door
happiness. Above the red, white and
liverbird. (Photo Vservat)
Both clubs are located in the suburbs of the city since the late nineteenth century (1878 to Everton, Liverpool 1892). English Football League was born, for his part in 1888.

Like any football club, Liverpool experienced ups and downs. The 50s were a period rather difficult, the club then evolves in 2nd division. To believe that history repeats itself, while the club's first manager was a Scotsman named McKenna is again due to the small northern neighbor, the Liverpool Football Club will break the deadlock. Indeed, in December 1959, the Scottish William Shankly, sign to lead the team and, in the space of four years, players become champions of England for the 6th time. The following season the LFC wins the FA Cup (Football Association Cup) and also a place in the semi finals of the European Cup.

The early days of Shankly has yet behind the scenes, there is a "golden age". Club facilities, stadium and training ground are in poor condition, so much so that the coach will focus on the human cohesion of the team rather than his material comfort. Thus, it quickly establishes rituals for the soldering: meal together after practice, collective journeys by bus to Anfield (3) at Melwood (4) Place imposed in the locker room so that players bind to each other according to their place on the ground etc.. We must believe that the recipe has worked both as regards the results for posterity.

Bill Shankly is the object of a cult in Liverpool. Stayed 15 years as a manager of the team, he now has his statue at the entrance to Anfield, a door to his name. That said, Bill Shankly was neither singer nor a member of Gerry and the Pacemakers ... Yet it is obviously thanks to him that the song eventually became the official anthem of Liverpool Football Club, sung by thousands of fans at each game, outside and even more at home: This Is Anfield.

The dressing room at Anfield today. The spirit and methods
Bill Shankly have not disappeared. Comfort
summary and placement of players by their place on the
field (here the forwards and midfielders).
(photo Vservat)
3. Until the stands of Anfield.

Main Stand, Anfield. The seats are still

wood. (Photo VServat)
In this upswing for Liverpool Football Club as Merseybeat and football go together at Anfield, the Stadium Club, located north east of the great English port. there since 1884 and was originally used by the Everton team that gave up quickly.

The main stand (Main Stand) formed in 1895, was rebuilt in 1973. But the most fervent supporters of the club invest mainly located in the right forum, dubbed "The Kop Stand " , or simply, the Kop. Built In 1906, she faced the Anfield Road Stand "youngest" of 3 years, and bears the name of a hill in South Africa (specifically referred Scion Kop ) on which a regiment of soldiers was decimated liverpuldien during the Boer War. It can accommodate 30,000 spectators while standing (since 1994, after the hooliganism, and the tragedy of Hillsborough (5) which affected the Liverpool fans, the gallery contains only 12 000 seats). It is a popular forum on which Billy Shankly watched like a hen on her eggs as well because of his ideas Labor (6) by a deep respect for its members and the desire to ensure his team an armada of supporters can bring to bare (7) . Thus, he reprimanded an officer who had the temerity to refer to the galleries started a scarf on the pitch by a fan club at the time of a lap of honor, considering this as an insult to the fervor of its owner to team.
The club's crest on the wall outside the gallery
the Kop.
(Photo Vservat)

The Kop grandstand view of the Main Stand at Anfield.
(photo Vservat)

Returning in 1963. Gerry Marsden meeting Shankly who has a crush on her resume "You'll never walk alone" of "Carousel" . The title is so becoming, it is not yet commercially available. Once released as a single, it will be played within the confines of Anfield, which then uses a DJ. It is, indeed, customary at the time to raise the atmosphere in the stands before the game by spreading the first 10 songs of top hits parades. The likes of Shankly and the Kop fans of those will seal the fate of our song. Remained many weeks in the hit parade, it is sung with fervor in the stands. She falls in the rankings .... but then disappears at Anfield Kop, they continue to sing. Shankly can only follow: " You'll Never Walk Alone" became the anthem club's official title, his motto.

When the legendary Liverpool coach dies in September 1981, fans pay tribute to him solemnly singing this song comedy music became the anthem of Liverpool, to say goodbye. The Matrix Shankly Gates at Anfield is decorated with a few words in the title is so close to the spirit that animated the Scottish coach.

The Broadway, Kop at Anfield Stadium, "You'll never walk alone" has found a surprising way to posterity. The simple power of his words calling for unity in times of doubt has attracted other football clubs and other venues, each club claiming to have, first adopted for Anthem (8) . Yet, hearing the fans of Liverpool and the rostrum of the Kop singing (here in two versions, one in a league game against Chelsea-Aug-choosing, and to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Hillsborough tragedy by Gerry Marsden himself), it is hardly possible to doubt the osmosis that occurs between Scousers (9) and this tube sixties.

Version English league:

version of Gerry Marsden and Anfield for the 20th commemoration of the tragedy of Hillsborough:

A quick reminder of key dates LFC:

1884: Construction of Anfield.
1892: Birth of the Liverpool Football Club
1901: first as chamion England (there will be 17 others).
1959: William "Bill" Sahnkly becomes manager of LFC.
1964: Champion of England.
1965: First FA Cup
1966: Champion of England.
1973: Rehabilitation of Anfield and grandstand "Hand Stand" and first league title in Europa.
1977: first Champions League title.
1985: The Heysel. Suporters confrontation between Liverpool and Juventus.
Aggression deshooligans LFC causes the collapse of a stadium wall te death of 34 Italian fans.
1989: during a match in the FA Cup at Sheffield, Hillsborough Stadium, 96 Liverpool fans died as a result of crowd movements and human overload of one of the grandstands of the stadium.
2005 : title last won the Champions League in Istanbul against AC Milan (after being led 0-3, the Reds managed to go back and prevail on penalties ...).

Postscript :
The idea of this article was imposed after visiting this legendary stadium. Although little interest in football, he emerges places an energy and power as it won the support. In addition, the guide who accompanied us the VIP lounge, the locker room and the stands were able to communicate (sometimes with an accent very unlikely) their enthusiasm for the figures of the CFL, while wearing the lapel, the famous spirit "Shankly" because of modesty, simplicity and fervor.

These few lines are also a friendly nod to our fellow blogger, Emmanuel Grange, who leads both pages P @ sserelle , the galleries of the ASSE. He'll never walk alone.

(1) On the birth of skiffle and the junction with the Merseybeat see also the article on the Histgeobox Liverpool Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields Forever.
(2) Brian Epstein as the Beatles manager until his untimely death, très jeune, à 32 ans en 1967.
(3) Anfield est le stade actuel du Liverpool Football Club.
(4) Melwood est le terrain d'entraînement du L.F.C. à l'époque. Il se situe à environ 6 km à l’ouest d'Anfield, dans le faubourg de West Derby.
(5) La tragédie de Hillsborough porte le nom du stade de football de Sheffield. Elle fit 96 victimes, le 15 avril 1989. Tous les morts sont des supporters du LFC. 4 ans après le Heysel, Liverpool enchaîne donc les catastrophes meurtrières dans les stades.
A Sheffield, une énorme stampede took place in the gallery hosting the Reds fans. Although vastly outnumbered supporters of the opposing team, they were guided in the smallest stands by police. Now some of them, held back by delays due to road works, sometimes even shortly before the kickoff and wants to enter. Outside, the crowd gathers and manages to enter the forum, security being totally overwhelmed. The match started stops after 6 minutes when the crowd tried to escape by any means to human pressure exerted in an area already saturated. Many victims die asphyxiated in compression. Those who can find their salvation on the lawn.
(6) Bill Shankly has never hidden his political views it seems. At his death, a minute of silence was observed during the convention of Labour, which took place at that time (late September 1981).
(7) Many stories circulate about the relationship between Shankly and Liverpool supporters, including that he sometimes calls for some to remake the game of the day or offer tickets others.
(8) Celtic of Glasgow in particular dispute Liverpool's first use of the song as a hymn.
(9) The Scouser refers to both the native of Liverpool as the local slang.

few references if you're not going to visit Liverpool and Anfield tomorrow:
  • site CFL on which you can view the topic history.
  • complement can also go visit one of Everton.
  • items supplied on wikipedia but in English (the French versions are often atrophied and thus less interesting)
  • on Billy Shankly on Anfield stadium , and Liverpool Football Club
  • Two portraits of legendary players who evolved from the arch rival Manchester United the indispensable site Wearefootball: Eric Cantona and George Best .

Some readings:
  • Matthew Taylor, 'Football and Political Culture in Britain "in Y. Gastaut and Stephane Mourlane, Football in our societies, other, 2006.
  • Mauvignier Lawrence, In the crowd, Minuit, 2006. A novel about the tragedy of Heysel.
  • Paul Dietschy, History of Football , Perrin, 2010
  • Joseph M. Bradley, "Racism and social prejudice in football: Irish identity in Scotland" in History and Society No. 18-19, June 2006


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