Thursday, January 13, 2011

Individual Investor In Frontier Market

227. Léo Ferré: "The red sign" (1959)

The participation of foreigners and immigrants in the Resistance has long been undervalued. Several factors explain this situation in the troubled context of 1939, foreigners established in France tend to hide their origins. In addition, many political refugees who participated in the resistance in the struggle against fascism, returning to their country after the Liberation. Finally, the Resistance trying to vibrate the foremost patriotic fervor and fears to be open to the Vichy propaganda quick to denounce the pernicious influence of foreign within clandestine organizations. However, whether former International Brigades, exiled German and Austrian anti-Nazi, Soviet prisoners of war, Italian anti-fascist English Republican refugees from the active involvement of foreigners in the Resistance should be reassessed. For many, the resistance is a necessity as a choice and prolong the fighting started before the war in the International Brigades or the beginning of the conflict during the campaign in France (100 000 foreign incorporated into the French army). English Republicans, for example among the first victims of the Vichy regime, which regards them as "red" to neutralize through internment in camps for migrant labor or sending them to work in Germany or deporting them (8000 to Mauthausen). It is one of those resistant to many Jews, foreigners, but also French, quickly convinced of the necessity of the struggle against a regime which supports anti-Semitic zeal with the Occupation's policy of persecution. It's the same for the Armenians, haunted by the memory of the genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman authorities during the Great War.

Many immigrants will equip organizations national clean like the Poles in Northern France (POWN, PKWN) or the Spaniards in the South West (A). Many others agree with French resistance organizations, especially within the FTP-MOI (immigrant labor) communists.

Henri Krasucki during his arrest in March 1943. The family left Poland and the anti-Semitic regime of Pilsudski in the late 1920s. CGTU the militant, he continues his action during the conflict and leads the youth organization of the Jewish section of the MOI. Arrested in March 1943 he was deported to Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Return deportation, he became head of the CGT in 1982.

Since the war the Communist Party and its activists are in a difficult position because of non-aggression pact between Germany and Soviet. With the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany 21 June 1941 that the French Communist Party comes into resistance, although militants have made the leap from individual capitulation. The party then calls the armed struggle by determined activists, gathered in by snipers and Partisans (FTP), edited by Charles Tillon, consolidate the various action groups initiated by the PCF in early 1942. The FTP and congregate in the two zones of the partisans of immediate action in a guerrilla struggle.
These groups, comprising at most a few hundred activists, acts of spectacular. The option of armed struggle will be very dear to party activists whose self-sacrifice, courage, determination commands respect, like the FTP-MOI that receive attention.

In 1939, Missak Manouchian needs to be drafted into the French army. Photo taken in 1940 while on leave.

* Of "foreign labor" for FTP-MOI.

The Foreign labor and immigrant labor (MOI) is one of the structures created by the PCF in 1925 to organize groups of language immigrant workers, called the number for the reconstruction of France in the inter-war period. It has groups Italian, English, Polish, Czech, Russian, Yiddish, Armenian. Each group acquires publications in native languages, but also cultural, sports or youth. The MOI is therefore a vital instrument of social integration for many workers of foreign origin. Dissolved
during the phoney war, the MOI is recovering in hiding in the summer of 1940 and allows the participation of immigrants and foreigners in the Resistance. The national groups publish underground newspapers in foreign languages. Those German develop defeatist to the attention of Wehrmacht soldiers . Under the tutelage of the PCF, the MOI in 1942 incorporates the structure fighting the National Front, the FTP, sniper and Partisans.
In the Paris area, the FTP-MOI is organized into four detachments: a detachment of Romanians and Hungarians (mostly Jews), another exclusively composed of "Jews", an Italian and a fourth joint, composed mainly of Armenians and English Republicans.

Outside Paris, other cities are home to groups of FTP-MOI. The "35th Brigade", headed by Marcel Langer , disrupting supplies to the German army in the region of Toulouse. Above, a bombing of the 35th brigade FTP-MOI cons convoys of German transport in Toulouse in February 1943.
In Lyon, a hundred members from all backgrounds (Poles, Spaniards, Italians, Hungarians, Romanians, Austrians, Germans, French) liven up the group "Carmagnola" and 34 perpetuate attacks against the Germans.

* Multiple actions of guerrillas.
In 1942 in Paris, the Communist Party was largely decimated and sixty immigrants from FTP-MOI are the last to carry out urban guerilla party in the capital. This resistance is characterized by its military activism (92 attacks in the first six months of 1943, 17 in August, 14 September). For example, the second detachment led by Jewish Meier multiple lists actions against the occupying authorities and the collaborationist media: attack against a restaurant for German officers Porte d'Asnieres (17th), grenade attack a bus carrying soldiers officers of the Kriegsmarine June 3 rue Mirabeau (16th) ...

* The BS2, a flagship of cooperation policère.
The Gestapo and the French police hiring to keep the hunt for "terrorists" of the MOI whose struggle reinforces the insecurity of Wehrmacht troops and helps to mobilize public opinion. The collaboration between Nazis and French police is complete as evidenced by the signing of an agreement between August 8, 1942 Rene Bousquet, Secretary General French police, and Karl Oberg, senior leader of the SS and German police in France. Thus, the BS2, special brigade of the police headquarters in Paris specializing in the enforcement "terrorists", especially hunting FTP-MOI through an elaborate system of spinning. After identification of spun, police have the "house", that is to say, identify their hideouts. After the arrest of supporters, interrogation of a rare violence must provide information on members of the clandestine organization and operation.

Rene Bousquet (front) in discussion with Karl Oberg (back right) in 1942.

The BS2 is launching three major waves of arrests during the year 1943.
The first begins in January and is the political organization of Jewish youth which then nearly two hundred members in the Paris region. On March 17, 1943, BS challenge 57 members of the Young Communist Jewish, which Henri Krasucki responsible for organizing the youth and future head of the CGT. All were deported. The second
spinning begins in April 1943 and led to the arrests of most members of the 2nd Detachment of the ME, the Jewish branch, headed by Meier List, arrested with 70 other militants in late June.

List Meier young activist in the labor organizations in Poland. Member of the International Brigades, during the war he joined the Special Organization and Me, in 1942, the 2nd Detachment of the FTP-MOI, becoming its military leader. Arrested June 29, 1943, he was sentenced to death and shot on October 2.

special brigade now has a fairly good knowledge of the structure and functioning of the MOI which imposes on it a reorganization. Two specialized detachments replace the previous four. The first group is responsible for derailments (12 in total between July 10 and October 23 on the train leaving the station from east Germany), while the latter conducts operations punches. Marcel Rayman Missak Manouchian leading this group and implement some 70 bombings from July to October 1943: execution of two German police officers at Argenteuil, two German soldiers Porte d'Ivry, two Rue de la Harpe in Paris on September 3; attack against a German convoy in Stains on 8, grenade attack at a meeting of French Popular Party rue Lamarck two days later, a German train derailment between Paris and Troyes September 13. But the culmination of these actions is probably running in the street by men Manouchian (Celestino Alfonso Spartaco Fontano, Marcel Rayman) Julius Ritter, plenipotentiary to the recruitment and employment of the labor of work (the head of the OCC in France), September 28, 1943.

militant clandestine Polish Communist Party, Joseph Epstein went into exile in France in the thirties before fighting in Spain in the International Brigades. Enlisted in the French army, he was arrested, but managed to escape. It contributes to the reorganization of the Party Communist and runs from May 1943 all FTP Ile de France. Arrested with Manouchian November 16, 1943, "Colonel Gilles" was shot April 11, 1944 Mont Valerian .

* The arrest of the "Group Manouchian.
The plight of the survivors ME first two spinners quickly becomes untenable as the BS2 stalk their actions. Aware that the capital had become a trap, the military leader of the FTP-MOI in the Paris region, Boris Holban demand elsewhere in the PCF leadership in the province to transfer the group, time to "cut off the spinners." Instead, he is asked to intensify military action, resulting substituting Manouchian in July 1943.
The third mill run by the BS2 begins July 26 and leads to 68 arrests, including those of his superior Manouchian and Joseph Epstein, FTPF responsible for the Ile de France, Evry-Petit-Bourg 16 November 1943. Awarded by the French police to the German authorities, 45 of them were deported to Germany.

Holban Boris, aka "Oliver", became the military leader of the FTP-MOI of Paris until his replacement by Manouchian in July 1943.

* The "trial".
Manouchian and twenty-two of his comrades were handed over to the Nazis who decide to organize a show trial, designed as a propaganda tool against the Resistance. At a time when the outcome of their conflict seem less and less favorable, the services of German propaganda want to resume the offensive against the resistant treated as foreign criminals in the pay of the enemies of France. The
February 19, 1943 thus opens the trial by court martial of the German court installed at the Continental Hotel Rue de Rivoli. The twenty three defendants appear without defense. The verdict is clear and the sentence death is pronounced without appeal. If the hearing took place behind closed doors, the occupier and the French government mobilized all the media to give the widest possible echo in this travesty of justice. Print, radio, newsreels (see Sources) to cover the sides of the trial displays. The twenty-three, sentenced to death were shot at Mont-Valerian February 21, 1944. Olga Bancic only woman in the group, will be beheaded in the prison of Stuttgart May 10, 1944.

"The Army of Crime", one of the many pamphlets published during the trial stigmatize the "terrorists" of the MOI.

* The red sign.

IOF posted up displays, large format (120 x 80 cm) on the walls of many cities. Edited to nearly 15,000 copies, it is very costly to achieve given the inclusion of pictures (click image to enlarge).

In this context, the Centre for anti-Bolshevik , screen of the Propaganda Abteilung , publishes the "red sign," placarded on the walls of the cities of France after the execution of group members Manouchian. There appear the traditional scapegoats of Vichy and the Occupation, "" Jews "," foreigners "and" communists ".

few days before trial, after suffering torture, defendants were photographed in a prison yard in Fresnes. It is these portraits found on "displays.

From large format, this poster is designed with a layout which aggressively wants to scare and emphasizes the criminal aspect of resisters arrested. The color red (the blood communism) dominates the poster. To the question "liberators " at the top of the document says "by Liberation Army Crime" at the bottom of the poster, which is designed as a demonstration.
The message is clear: foreigners, Jews and Communists were engaged in France in criminal activity, claiming to act for the liberation of the country. 10 pictures of resistant arrested were part of a large triangle that forms an arrow pointing to the atrocities attributed to these men. Under each portrait is the foreign-sounding name, the religion for Jews only and / or political affiliation if it is a communist, then the number of "attacks" attributed to each. The arrow points
photos showing an arsenal, bodies riddled with bullets, derailed trains.
It argues that the resisters are terrorists and murderers. The purpose is entirely focused on exposing the "conspiracy of anti-France".

Verso of a leaflet containing the "Red Poster", 1944 (coll. National Museum of the Resistance). included is a violently racist and anti-Semitic text: "Here's the Proof, If the French steal loot / kill and sabotage. They are always strangers who command them. They are still unemployed and criminals that are running. It's always the Jews who inspire them. THIS IS THE ARMY OF CRIME AGAINST FRANCE. " These manipulate public opinion by playing on fear, leaving the French believe that the so-called "resistance fighters" are in fact all foreigners in the pay of France's enemies (including the USSR ).

The poster uses the photo to stigmatize the enemy rather than the cartoon or drawing traditionally used. The symbols (the V victory) and rhetoric ("liberators", "liberation") flights are diverted to the Resistance to discredit it.

Marcel Rayman. His family left Poland in 1930. He campaigned for the Union of Young Jews led by Henry Krasuscki in 1942 before joining the FTP-MOI. His gifts of the shooter requires the head of the "special team" in charge of the most spectacular actions such as executing Ritter September 28, 1943. Arrested Nov. 16, 1943, he was shot at Mont Valerian on February 21.

It is very difficult to know the true impact of this poster on French public opinion. But by allowing members to humanize the "Army of Shadows", it leads to much the opposite effect to that search. Also, a clandestine publications CPF The French Letters, lend in March 1944, this reaction to a woman before the show: " they failed to do their dirty mouths. "

's letter to Manouchian Mélinée (click image to enlarge). Read here .

* memory.
Over time, the poster is engraved in the memory of the French developed to symbolize the commitment resistant posthumous triumph of fighters that the poster was originally stigmatized. The commitment and struggle of the FTP-MOI inspire in the years of postwar artists.
the occasion of the inauguration in 1955 (" eleven years already ") in Paris in the 20th district, a street named "Group Manouchian" Louis Aragon wrote a poem in tribute to the Resistance the "red sign". Verses to remember, inspired by the last letter written by Missak Manouchian Mélinée his wife, was published in The unfinished novel in 1956. The poem here has a memory function. We must remember the sacrifice of these heroes will not forget.
Vichy propaganda trying to make these resistant terrorists. Instead Aragon emphasizes the heroism of those men who have not yet claimed " glory or tears . Using the letter Manouchian his wife, the poet plays on emotion and helps to humanize the tough, who dies " (...) without hatred for the German people . Without seeking revenge, " justice will not triumph over our . The images of darkness and death give way to hope, " a great winter sun " sweeps " color uniform frost .
The second stanza of the poem evokes the red sign. The author astutely identifies the objective of the German propaganda that seeks to pillory the 23 playing on the gallows of the 10 mines of the poster that we had just extracted from jail after being brutalized. The document should cause fear of passersby feeding xenophobia supposed French struck by the names "unpronounceable" defendants.
Aragon deconstructed this discourse in the last verses of the poem.
In moment of death, the 23 screaming " the France" became a symbol of resistance to Nazism. Beyond nationality and religion, these heroes, " foreign and yet our brothers " struggle against oppression.
In 1959, Léo Ferré put the poem to music under the title of "red sign" which he delivered a poignant interpretation. The poem

Legion Paul Eluard in turn renders homage to the FTP-MOI. "These foreigners here who chose the fire / Their portraits on the walls are alive forever / The sun illuminates the beauty of memory / They killed to live they cried revenge. "

Missak Manouchian Adyaman born in 1906. The genocide perpetrated by the Turkish armies during World War I decimated his family. He then found refuge in an orphanage in Syria with her brother. In 1924, he moved to France. Tourneur plants Citroen Manouchian, is enjoying her free time to attend the "workers' universities" developed by the CGT union. He founded two literary magazines, Tchank ("Effort") then Machagouyt ("Culture") and writes poems . In 1934, he joined the Communist Party and joined the Armenian Communist group attached to the MOI which runs the newspaper. Soon engaged in the struggle against Nazi occupation forces in July 1943 he became the military leader of the Parisian group of the FTP-MOI. Captured in November, he was shot at Mont Valerian February 21, 1944.

After the performance, group members are buried near the Square shot of the Parisian cemetery of Ivry. Families and associations of former resistance fighters maintain the memory of these men and their struggles. A bust of Missak Manouchian example is inaugurated in the cemetery of Ivry in 1978. It is named after the shot, 21 February 1944: Missak Manouchian (Armenian), Joseph Boczov (Hungarian), Marcel Rayman (Polish), Celestino Alfonso (Spain), Olga Bancic (Romania), Georges Cloarec (French) Roger Rouxel ( French), Robert Witchitz (French), Rino Della Negra (Italian), Spartaco Fontano (Italian) Cesare Luccarini (Italian), Antonio Salvadori (Italian), Usseglio Amedeo (Italian), Thomas Elek (Hungary), Emeric Glasz (Hungarian ), Maurice Fingercwajg (Polish), Jonas Geduldig (Polish), Leo Goldberg (Polish) Szlama Grzywacz (Polish), Stanislas Kubacki (Poland), Willy Szapiro (Polish) Wolf Wajsbrot (Polish), Surveyor Lavitian (Armenian).

borrow the last lines in the National Museum of the Resistance: "Without equivalent in other occupied countries in Europe, the" Red Poster "takes place over the years as a major icon of the French Resistance: a paradox under its original function. The poster weaves the shroud of fame she wanted stigmatize resistant, requires in our national memory the memory of the prominent place taken by "foreigners" in the liberation of France [... ]. "

Stanzas to remember

You claimed the glory or tears
Neither organ nor the prayer for the dying
Eleven years ago it flies eleven
You were just served your arms Death
n 'not dazzle the eyes of partisans

You had your pictures on the walls of our cities
black beard and shaggy night threatening
The poster that looked like a bloodstain
Because your names are to pronounce difficult
Y Sought to fear on passers

No one seemed to see you French preferably
People went without seeing you on the day But during
earlier curfew fingers stray
Wrote under photos DIED FOR FRANCE
And the dismal mornings

All had different color uniform frost
At the end of February for your last moments
And then one of you says calmly
Happiness Happiness to all those who will survive
I die without hatred in me for the German people

Farewell pain and pleasure farewell roses
bye bye life and light wind
Marry be happy and think of me often
You will remain in the beauty of things
When all is fini plus tard en Erivan

Un grand soleil d’hiver éclaire la colline
Que la nature est belle et que le coeur me fend
La justice viendra sur nos pas triomphants
Ma Mélinée ô mon amour mon orpheline
Et je te dis de vivre et d’avoir un enfant

Ils étaient vingt et trois quand les fusils fleurirent
Vingt et trois qui donnaient leur coeur avant le temps
Vingt et trois étrangers et nos frères pourtant
Vingt et trois amoureux de vivre à en mourir
Vingt et trois qui criaient la France en s’abattant.

Louis Aragon, Le roman inachevé
Editions Gallimard, 1956.
Les strophes in italics are directly inspired by the letter to his wife Manouchian Mélinée.

- Rich Adam Rayski booklet devoted to the FTP-MOI, and the poster (published by the City of Paris and downloadable here).
- Dozou Lawrence: "The Resistance. A morality in action", Discovery Gallimard, 2010.
- Stephane Courtois: " group Manouchian ", article in Le Monde June 2, 1985.
- A file (PDF) found on the site of the city of Ivry sur Seine.
- folder Educational designed by the Museum of National Resistance , accompanying the film " Army crime" by Robert Guediguian. It includes short biographies of 23 .
- The Marat group is interested in poems inspired by the red sign.
- A report on the arrest of this gang of "Communo-terrorists."

- A host of carefully selected links by Daniel Letouzey its Clioweb.
- Documentary Jorge Amat and Denis Peschanski, " The hunt for red View Unit. Lying on Daily Motion (4 episodes).

An update on the role of foreigners in the Resistance (Interview with Denis Peschanski


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