Monday, May 17, 2010

Lyrics Of Chal Sath Chalegi Hanji


To call one of his finest a capella motets, Brahms has reused much of the sound equipment originally intended for his Missa Canonica (1856). This motet created in 1877 is a blend of biblical passages (Job, Lamentations, Jacques and the Nunc Dimiti of Luther.)

Source: Grove Music Online

Autre version disponible sur Youtube .

Le texte en anglais

first [SATB]
Why is light given to the weary and life to the bitter heart? Why?
The death comes and wait and not Grüben him well from the hidden, almost the forward
and are happy, that they get the grave. Why?
And the man of the way is hidden, and God and are covered in front of him the same? Why?

second [SSATBB]
Let us lift our hearts with our hands to God in heaven.

third [SSATBB]
Behold, we count them happy which endure. The patience of Job
have heard her, and the end of the Lord you have seen;
for the Lord is compassion and mercy!

4th [SATB] (Choral)
With peace and joy I depart, in God's sake,
is comforted my heart and mind, gentle and quiet.
As God has promised me, death is I was sleeping.

(Source: ChoralWiki)

Traduction (French )
Pourquoi donner à un
malheureux la lumière et à ceux qui ont la vie l'au coeur amertume
aspirent qui vers la mort sans qu'elle vienne à fouillent Sat recherche plus que pour un trésor?
They would delight in front of the funeral mound, he exulted reached the grave. Why
this gift to the man who no longer sees his way and that God hedged in?
(Job 3/20-23)

Let us raise our hearts and our hands
to the God in heaven
(Jeremiah Lamentations 3 / 41)

See: we proclaim blessed those who have consistency.
You know the consistency of Job
and have seen the Lord's plan;
for the Lord is merciful and compassionate.
(Jacques 5 / 11)

I'm in peace and joy, according to the will of the Lord
My heart and my soul are confident
paisibles et tranquilles.
Comme Dieu me l'a promis,
la mort est pour moi devenue sommeil
(Martin Luther)

English translation

Why let men go on living in misery?
Why give light to men in grief?
They wait for death, but it never comes;
they prefer a grave to any treasure.
They are not happy till they are dead and buried;
God keeps their future hidden
and hems them in on every side.
(Job 3.20-23)

Let us open our hearts
to God in heaven and pray.
(Lamentations 3.41)

We call them happy because they endured.
You have heard of Job's patience,
and you know how the Lord provided for him in the end.
For the Lord is full of mercy and compassion.
(James 5.11)

In Peace and Joy I pass away, as God wills,
My heart and senses are comforted, gently and silently.
As God promised me, death has become
sleep for me.
(Martin Luther)

La se trouve ici partition.

Why is the light, where the weary
Let us lift our hearts with our hands
we see them happy which endure
With peace and joy I hahr then motet


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