Following an incident between a driver and a subway passenger, a strike paralyzed the entire network of public transport this Tuesday, February 15, 2011. On Monday 14, already, soon after the altercation, the subway had stopped running.
Without going into the circumstances of the dispute, Justice and STIB looking for now, we stigmatize once again the lack of transparency and very poor communication from the STIB.
Without going into the circumstances of the dispute, Justice and STIB looking for now, we stigmatize once again the lack of transparency and very poor communication from the STIB.
Indeed, on Wednesday morning, several subway stations were inaccessible, contrary to what the radio announced as early as 6.30 am. The website of the STIB himself "informed" that "All our subways, trams and buses run normally this Wednesday, February 16.
The above photo was taken at the station Yzer to 7.32 hours. No access was open. Only shortly before 8 o'clock I could cross two workers STIB I therefore questioned. Their attitude and response were strictly insolent. To my question why the station was inaccessible, I was answered that they had to open, hold! " in a mocking tone, without even looking at me. There are, to say the least, a big effort to make training on the politeness of officers who tarnish the reputation of the already dismal service transport.
Meanwhile, passengers, continued to take the escalator to go up immediately (with the flaps closed unperturbed).
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