For a more detailed biography, see The Virtual Museum of Komitas
Some compositions of Komitas
Yel, Yel
Hov AREQ Sareri January
Es Arun
Another very nice piece of Armenia, which is however not the work of Komitas
In Msho dasha kasim MANR or Hiner
Snounchik me keshnchi ir djanin Mernem
Gorani Gorani, Gorani Jarema
Khabrik me khosatsir darderous deghner
Alashkert Manazkert duran or khotov
Wed jari tsotsere akh Anoush hofov
Gorani, Gorani, Gorani Jarema
Yes KITEM aslik jar, shat kharoti
Source: Tineke van Geel
Song of Mush, they say, was small and powerful.
She breathes, I would die for her.
Gorani, Gorani, Gorani my love.
Give me news, to heal my pain.
Alashkert Manazkert and are deserted and uncultivated,
The body of my beloved feels so good.
Gorani, Gorani, Gorani my love.
I know, I miss my beloved so.
Scores of Armenian music

Duduk.com (Armenian traditional dance music)
Arak 29: Scores and pronunciation and liturgy
Online Music (mp3)
Komitas's music in mp3 (Scores are available in exchange for a donation to the foundation)
Armenian Church of America (music by Makar Yekmalian and Komitas Chamber Choir of Armenia)
Songs of Armenia (with excerpts sung, partitions)
LusavoriƧ (click on the radio)
St Mary Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church Toronto
(liturgical music Armenian listen or download)
Ara Souvalian's Armenian Midi Music Library

Armenian alphabet with pronunciation
Armenian Alphabeth Pronunciation (wav files)
Dictionary Online Translation on Lexilogos
Translit AM - Armenian Transliteration and Spell Checker
Arak offers 29 exercises to learn to speak the language. And here it offers many tools (as well as freeware for your convenience ...)
Armenian Phonetic Keyboard
Armenia Travel Blog: A lover of Armenia you discover the Armenian culture in pictures and music.
List of Middle Eastern Churches Montreal
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