ALSEMBERG PARK: ADVANCE CA (3) Le Contrat de Quartier "Parc Alsemberg» 2010 -2014 a Demarre officiellement doit se le 11/01/2010 et le 10/01/2014 terminate. L'assemblée générale elected representatives of residents to the Local Integrated Development (BILD).
From the beginning, residents associations and the perimeter may have arisen to be involved in the conduct of the project. This Wednesday, February 16, 2011 took place a BILD reports of the progress of the project. The least we can say is that many positive things are in place.
the occasion of this meeting - in which the Region was present as the research department, residents and associations have submitted a project. This is discussed since spring 2010. We'll deliver it as was presented (the passages in red were not included in the text given: it was written after the meeting).
We had the opportunity to meet several times since March 2010, the town, residents, associations, the Office of Study for the Contract Quarter "Park Alsemberg »2010 -2014. We got in contact with several local committees (Dethy street, rue Jean Robie Street Crickx, rue de Lausanne), residents and local artists. It appears that several proposals and wishes of the inhabitants were issued.
We were able to express in December last year the broad guidelines worked by dozens of people and the various associations involved in perimeter.
Several sketches in this project were proposed. Generally, they meet the wishes and concerns of citizens. We surveyed several areas:
The peanut (the six corners on the corner of Dethy & Prague);
The 2 benches (at the junction of the roadway of Forest Street and Theodore Verhaegen)
The boat (at the intersection pavement Forest and Rue de la Perche)
Fort Street (and the streets of Celery and Fortifications)
Street Villas (at the intersection of the street of Garibaldi and the Chaussee d'Alsemberg)
The tip of the rue Jean Robie;
barrier and heritage of the town;
And the street of Lisbon.
Some neighborhoods are more mobilized than others: there may be a job to do in neighborhoods less active. Based on what the people we have expressed the wish expressed at the BILD to consider 5 points:
1. A program Basic - guidance;
2. Completion dates;
3. A procedure for maintaining regular dialogue between the municipality and the inhabitants (the fulcrum of BILD and GA);
4. Coaching associations;
5. A guideline budget.
What people want directions?
1. The peanut (the six corners on the corner of Dethy, Lisbon & Prague)
Two areas of remediation for graduate school (31, rue de Lisboa in addition to the ground floor of the 55 rue Dethy) are welcome;
main proposal: a monumental bench around the tree.
2. The 2 banks (at the junction of the roadway of Forest Street and Theodore Verhaegen)
Young people want to play (football ...) or at least gather there,
People criticize the coffee shop, From
verdurisation / revegetation,
performances in (respect) cleanliness,
main proposals: a bench decorated monumental mosaic or ceramic by a local artist.
3. The boat (at the junction of the road from Forest and de la Pole)
A decorative furnishings evoking Portugal (mosaic?)
From verdurisation / revegetation,
Residents have proposed "The Boat" chiosque one (but not like the place Bet!) for the Portuguese band and all bands, a covered area for children and for declamation.
main proposals: a bench
monumental mosaic decorated ceramic or by a local artist on the "sidewalk" between two parties currently in the crossroads and effort on security (in particular to enable the police beyond the wrongdoers to continue them).
4. Rue du Fort (streets and celery and Fortifications)
If the municipality carries out its plan to reverse the way (motor vehicles could therefore descend from the street but more Théodore Verhaegen back) people want to reflect on the consequences of a pedestrian (in front of the Brasserie Verschueren):
The Street Fort is not a highway,
(s) and route (s) of transit,
The dynamic market and shops (that are sick) ...
Residents also made suggestions:
animation Street and market by population (art project),
a "digital street"
a neighborhood newspaper (and why not for the entire district contract)
expo / video testimony of the inhabitants of the neighborhood (information and awareness),
improve street lighting, the
verdurisation / revegetation,
people also require public restrooms (near the church), garbage (with sorting), and additional locations for parking bicycles.
Main proposals: A journey
valuing local heritage.
Consolidate sustainable space dedicated to pedestrians and children's games (like Street Crickx in summer) in the streets of Celery and Fortifications.
Animation Art Street and stories for children. Evidence
Expos regular (and projections and banners on the street)
Street Digital
Street Party People
5. The Barrier
The wall of the school of the Daughters of Mary to redecorate:
a fresco is often mentioned) on Park Avenue, Moris
a column for the display of cultural information.
main Proposal: A tour highlighting local heritage.
6. Rue des Villas (at the intersection of the street of Garibaldi and the Chaussee d'Alsemberg)
of verdurisation / revegetation,
main Proposal : Reduce traffic pressure while leaving the opportunity for businesses to host their customers motorized.
7. The tip of the rue Jean Robie:
Another area unsafe and poorly designed to redevelop space wonderful ... but how?
of verdurisation / revegetation.
main Proposal: brighten the space.
8. Street Lisbon
Accentuate the vegetation and enhance the block party.
main Proposal : To make the semi-pedestrian street, or give it a residential character (area 20).
9. School 1-2 in the Rue du Fort
Accessibility late in the day, on weekends and school holidays.
main Proposal: Accessibility framed to neighborhood youth.
of the proposal
Since the start of meetings with residents, it appears that the desire to be involved in a motor must the neighborhood.
We defined 5 objectives that are measurable in terms of quantitative and qualitative key moments of the process:
1. Proximity to the public and the expertise of local actors;
2. The active participation of citizens;
3. Reclaiming their living space, public space;
4. The fight against incivility;
5. The promotion of cleanliness and urban citizenship;
6. Enhancement of the expression and capture the collective memory;
7. Enhancement of local heritage
8. Promotion the district contract (information and citizen awareness).
The idea is that aspects concerning the more practical aspects (lighting, the verdurisation, management of public space (including benches monumental) and roads ... and, of course other more technical aspects are borne by the municipality.
THE MAJOR PROJECT 1. Rue du Fort and surrounding
Participation, awareness, cohesion
The Defense Committee of San Gilles, the CAFA and Pianofabriek worked together on a project in the Section 5 of the Contract Area Park Alsemberg.
result, global and elicits participation of the people to raise awareness of the Contract Area and to get them to invest in it.
Citizen participation is not necessary "self", of course. The public often need a push to mobilize and collaborate with government. He does not want people to invest themselves: an all-boxes or information via a publication is not enough, far from it. This is particularly true for the most fragile, lower.
Our partnership is committed to make every effort to contact residents of the Rue du Fort and surrounding areas to unite as broadly as possible to boost and sustain the project.
The idea is to find the echo broadest possible so that residents (and associations) appropriate inflections of the Contract Area.
Our purpose is to invite people to think together creatively on their immediate surroundings ... also reflecting on the impact of their ideas on other nearby neighborhoods.
We want from the residents' perceptions of past and present of their neighborhood to bring to the table their vision of the development they would like to see print in the (near) future. We want to actually give an image, a photograph of the rhythm of the district as perceived by the lighting of the past and relate to the perception of people currently in its evolutionary aspect.
In light of past and current configurations of the Rue du Fort, we would like to illustrate the dreams, ideals and frustrations of everyone - residents and users - through their stories. We imagine
organize festive events for these stories and expressions.
practice, through advocacy and citizen participation in community life in all its diversity, we hope to contribute to these goals.
We also want to consolidate these interactions, the networks between individuals, associations, organizations and communal services.
PHASE 1: Preparation and networking
May to September 2011
We want to work on a plan communication where the different stakeholders (residents, local workers, residents, ...) can imagine how to optimize the local fabric. We think of older people, children, people who could speak a vision of urban neighborhoods. But also to barges that come to market.
We asked several neighborhood associations to extend partnership - including the Children's House, the workshop's web Constant Entraide Saint-Gilles, ...
This phase will be an opportunity to take an inventory of different local aspects: the tender and commercial catering, strengths and weak local mobility, cleanliness, safety, housing quality, ... The goal is to make an inventory and current living.
To do this, we would like to develop instruments to facilitate and promote communication:
a local newspaper, a digital map of the street, an educational tour, a blog, posters, stand legally on the market ...
We will renew this project in September 2011 calling on all persons concerned to come forward.
PHASE 2: Call for Ideas
From October 2011 to May 2013
actions are directed to and from the target groups, we hope to meet the key players in the area, working with local associations, conduct market surveys, create a log neighborhood (digital), an educational tour (including collaboration with schools, youth centers, cultural center near the associations), ...
PHASE 3: A block party recurrent
May 2012 May 2013
During this phase, the various aspects of this participatory approach that has been gathered will be presented at a neighborhood party. The actions of the various phases (from 1 to 3) will be submitted to the public (pedestrians, local residents, walkers, ...) to determine the (possible) extensions for the residents of Fort Street and surrounding streets. The multiplier effect is here looking for: participation becoming deeper and wider on the basis of material collected.
PHASE 4: Reporting
June 2012
The achievement of a final report on first three phases to the attention of the municipality, the Region and Beliris end device.
This review will include the elements that can influence the thoughts on the future development of the street and around the Fort on the occasion of a closing event.
STEP 5: Work in progress
June 2012 to November 2013
Based on the evaluation of the first phase, new entertainment district and workshops - a continuation of work already done - will be up (experience log, blog, animation market and tours would be prosecuted).
STEP 6: Evaluation and sustainability
November 2013 to January 2014
The purpose of this whole program is obviously aimed at restoring a color more human, qualitative, social area and ensure continued momentum.
us detail other aspects of the program based on the same phasing:
2. Both benches and boat
Through the development of this project, residents want to develop a draft verdurisation, a project for street cleaning "Salongo" festive activities.
3. Street Lisbon
The street is already very dynamic since a block party is held each spring. The look festive and friendly would be strengthened.
4. Educational tour of the perimeter
We propose a walk / learning path for all audiences but also so privileged with schools (there are 3) and local associations.
could possibly digitize a comment on the net (audio or written) to allow pedestrians to walk alone. They could download a routing.
A teaching document is also designed as a booklet with photographs, drawings, comments made in a workshop with school children, young people attending associations, senior citizens, ...
The project would be accessible to children about the heritage, the environment and their neighborhood. It could possibly spill slightly from QCD to "open up" the inhabitants of their world (see article, "Ways of seeing" 114 pp 50-53 [2010]). One objective is to invest in modern life.
The neighborhood associations are also invited ... The brochure would also take over the socio-economic data.
Nonprofit Budgeting Project, artistic and citizen.
Throughout the program the district contract, it is difficult to assess the popularity and public associations. However, given the evidence we were able to clear the field for many months, residents, artists and associations are "seekers" of participation to revitalize neighborhoods.
We have contacted this title The Children's House, Eco & Co, Atelier Web, Constant, De
Toet, Entraide Saint-Gilles, the ONE, the IFJ, Ateliers Claus, the new Sustainable district, the "Salongo" Hisapno-Belga, schools and other perimeter ?....
Therefore, in terms of demand, we stop the estimation symbolically Budget in June 2012 to assess and revisit more refined the budget to devote to this component.
It seems reasonable to ask for an envelope "open" to stick closer to the realities on the ground and able to articulate actions with the direction to the authorities as to the residents.
If, in principle, the BILD and other bodies with authority in the matter could rule on the principle for the program, a budget could be reviewed and more specific proposals. A basic investment of 28,000 € each year does not seem excessive - less than 0.6% of the total budget at all.
The application was accepted positively. The record, although not definitively tied, was given to authorities. In the device, the partnership also calls on the project worker, time, equipment and infrastructure that are in operation in investment capital that can be counted.
If the tentative agreement is achieved, the CAFA, the Pianofabriek and Defense Committee of Saint-Gilles could stop by 1 April 2011, for example, a specific framework, set the carrier associations and refine specific budget lines.