* We will consider first the origin, immediate and remote, the term Apache and its distribution during the first quarter of the twentieth century. ( Aristide Bruant "Song of Apaches" )
* then we will try to paint a picture of these bands of young thugs described at length article by the popular press (their codes, territories).
* We will focus in particular methods of Apaches. The newspapers attributed their great variety of crimes, but focus on the night attack, new anxiety that comes with the emergence of the modern city. (Aristide Bruant "Night Attack") *
depravity and violence attributed to the Apaches safe fueling anxiety. Some denounce the "crisis of repression", that is to say the supposed leniency of the courts. (Aristide Bruant: "A la Roquette)
We said in the previous section, the Apaches of Paris emerge as heroes of a miscellaneous mainstream press booming. The main newspapers of the time ( Le Petit Journal, Le Petit Parisien , The Journal and The Morning shoot all around a million copies) have a field day with these bands of young miscreants whose they depict the exploits with complacency. Newspapers contribute primarily to the mythology of those whom we now call the Apaches .

A caricature of Parisian Apaches. " Conference apache. If the" red "[ police ]" abulia "do not" puff "[ fear] , but remember that the" hump "awaits you and knock hard for you "to the pair. " Violent, the Apache sports a jacket and scarf feature. Armed with a Superintendent and a hammer, he poses before a table on which a guess "funny" (revolver) and a glass of absinthe.
* a micro-society.
These bands of young thugs are observers for a true micro-and cons-corporation with its codes, its rites, its slang, its costumes. In his memoirs, Golden Helmet describes a multitude of individual paths. She talks about the career stages of deviant youth from the working classes, the fugue, misery or even the most hardened passage through the prison or the battalions of Africa, a source of considerable respect for those who aspire to prevail at the head of a band. Quentin Deluermoz (see sources) explains: "We are in the presence of these chaotic journey, made from low-income people and little tricks, know-how decommissioned and reused, outsiders who draw (...) of industrialization, when the plant and its assertive rhythms in the urban space. Amelia Elias (Golden Helmet) shows their constitution "middle", with the intense territoriality of space, which changes a piece of the Boulevard de Belleville to another, the strength of the figures, the fundamental role reputations and honor, the use of crime, small or large, and finally the importance of violence, sometimes deadly, in resolving tensions. "
* The apache Paris.
The Apache was born on the streets of Paris. He lives in the suburbs of the capital, in the "zone" (fortifications, the "strength") or the nearby suburbs. This corresponds to the Paris apache outlying areas, new places of relegation workers (Belleville, Chapelle, La Villette in the north and east, bleach, Grenelle and the icebox in the south). Haussmann's work contributes to empty the heart of the old medieval Paris's poorest populations. However, taverns and places of celebration to stay focused. Also, Halles, Beaubourg, the "Sebastopol", continue to attract the evening bands Apaches.
* code of honor of the Apache.
Beyond these language habits or clothing, especially the Apaches share a kind of honor code evoked Edmond Locard, director of the Forensic Laboratory of Lyon, a major French criminologists from the early twentieth century. He sits in his works an unflattering portrait of Apaches but nevertheless concedes "there among the people outside the law, some laudable sentiments.
The first is a vigorous denunciation of horror . The apache can not admit they betray him. First of all it usually has a lot of things to hide. It is then that the biggest opportunity for him to be taken is to be sold to the police by an unscrupulous fellow. [...]
The second sense of the beautiful soul apache is marital fidelity. Do not believe a bad joke: men in hats are faithful to their companions, at least temporarily. [...]
And if I were not afraid of appearing to play with the paradox, it would be easy to demonstrate that the honor of the Apache is precisely the same order as that of the gentleman. Manifests itself there are no sides, ultimately, for the duel? Leca and Manda s'estafiladant with rifle Superintendent for the sake of Casque d'Or is as noble as Beaumanoir drinking her blood in the enclosed fields of Thirty. Because these meetings their rules, and as accurately as severe as those observed a meeting between people of the world. There are legal moves and shots defended, witnesses and even dinners for reconciliation. "
These bands of young thugs are observers for a true micro-and cons-corporation with its codes, its rites, its slang, its costumes. In his memoirs, Golden Helmet describes a multitude of individual paths. She talks about the career stages of deviant youth from the working classes, the fugue, misery or even the most hardened passage through the prison or the battalions of Africa, a source of considerable respect for those who aspire to prevail at the head of a band. Quentin Deluermoz (see sources) explains: "We are in the presence of these chaotic journey, made from low-income people and little tricks, know-how decommissioned and reused, outsiders who draw (...) of industrialization, when the plant and its assertive rhythms in the urban space. Amelia Elias (Golden Helmet) shows their constitution "middle", with the intense territoriality of space, which changes a piece of the Boulevard de Belleville to another, the strength of the figures, the fundamental role reputations and honor, the use of crime, small or large, and finally the importance of violence, sometimes deadly, in resolving tensions. "

* The apache Paris.
The Apache was born on the streets of Paris. He lives in the suburbs of the capital, in the "zone" (fortifications, the "strength") or the nearby suburbs. This corresponds to the Paris apache outlying areas, new places of relegation workers (Belleville, Chapelle, La Villette in the north and east, bleach, Grenelle and the icebox in the south). Haussmann's work contributes to empty the heart of the old medieval Paris's poorest populations. However, taverns and places of celebration to stay focused. Also, Halles, Beaubourg, the "Sebastopol", continue to attract the evening bands Apaches.
These small groups have also a strong local roots, which is reflected in their exotic names: "guys Charonne", "The Monte-in-air des Batignolles", "Wolves of the Butte.
* Held apache.
These poorly organized networks of friendships, find themselves behind a leader, a seasoned and respected. Most gang members do come and go, while the "hard core" group has only a few individuals.
all share common values: the refusal of work, a taste for the feast and balls, clothing. In a volumes Fantômas, a description of the conduct of the Apaches said mixture of repulsion and fascination for this "Wildlife" exotic " The men were wearing hats flabby, their jackets were strange cuts, their flannel shirts were unbuttoned at the collar, and only lived in their elegant ankle boots with a bright yellow, stems axtravagantes at the tip of the finest. The women who accompanied them were worse than them. There were two or three brunettes whose neck was adorned with a red ribbon, which undid the petticoat fell perpetually whose throat, without any brace, swells were really disturbing and revealing . "(XXVIII, p 1055).
* Held apache.
These poorly organized networks of friendships, find themselves behind a leader, a seasoned and respected. Most gang members do come and go, while the "hard core" group has only a few individuals.
all share common values: the refusal of work, a taste for the feast and balls, clothing. In a volumes Fantômas, a description of the conduct of the Apaches said mixture of repulsion and fascination for this "Wildlife" exotic " The men were wearing hats flabby, their jackets were strange cuts, their flannel shirts were unbuttoned at the collar, and only lived in their elegant ankle boots with a bright yellow, stems axtravagantes at the tip of the finest. The women who accompanied them were worse than them. There were two or three brunettes whose neck was adorned with a red ribbon, which undid the petticoat fell perpetually whose throat, without any brace, swells were really disturbing and revealing . "(XXVIII, p 1055).
It is therefore to be well dressed without looking like a bourgeois so far.
Apache Band, about 191o.
* slang.
To be understood easily, without arousing suspicion, the Apaches are learning to "jaspiner the gander," c that is to say, speak the slang . In their mouths, officers become "hack", "Sergot," knives "Eustace", "Superintendent" "22", women "finning" ...

* slang.
To be understood easily, without arousing suspicion, the Apaches are learning to "jaspiner the gander," c that is to say, speak the slang . In their mouths, officers become "hack", "Sergot," knives "Eustace", "Superintendent" "22", women "finning" ...
The "goncier" is a bourgeois easy to cheat, which attempts to touch the apache "sorrel", "the loot". The "cutters", "pots" (prostitutes) are under the thumb of "dos", "mackerel" or "pimps" (pimp). As for the "Michet (client), it must abulia the coals to get favors from the ladies.
* code of honor of the Apache.
Beyond these language habits or clothing, especially the Apaches share a kind of honor code evoked Edmond Locard, director of the Forensic Laboratory of Lyon, a major French criminologists from the early twentieth century. He sits in his works an unflattering portrait of Apaches but nevertheless concedes "there among the people outside the law, some laudable sentiments.
The first is a vigorous denunciation of horror . The apache can not admit they betray him. First of all it usually has a lot of things to hide. It is then that the biggest opportunity for him to be taken is to be sold to the police by an unscrupulous fellow. [...]
The second sense of the beautiful soul apache is marital fidelity. Do not believe a bad joke: men in hats are faithful to their companions, at least temporarily. [...]
And if I were not afraid of appearing to play with the paradox, it would be easy to demonstrate that the honor of the Apache is precisely the same order as that of the gentleman. Manifests itself there are no sides, ultimately, for the duel? Leca and Manda s'estafiladant with rifle Superintendent for the sake of Casque d'Or is as noble as Beaumanoir drinking her blood in the enclosed fields of Thirty. Because these meetings their rules, and as accurately as severe as those observed a meeting between people of the world. There are legal moves and shots defended, witnesses and even dinners for reconciliation. "
*" At the Apaches. Scene 'realistic' by Aristide Bruant. "
With the song" In Apache "(the second on the player below), Bunting described the world of gangs, not without shedding turn into stereotypes. The famous singer tells the course of apache (Carlo). His friends, gathered in a move that one imagines dark and smoky, engage a card game hosed. An altercation broke out and one player assaults another. Bunting, who ranks yet always on the side of the disenfranchised, in turn pays the sensational describing fauna underworld that thrives in places that blue-green. Violent, alcoholic and lazy, his description of the book here Apaches hardly differs from that of the contemporary press. The piece is especially true for the inimitable cheeky Sparrow and the use of slang popular Paris.
Aristide Bruant "in the Apaches'
With the song" In Apache "(the second on the player below), Bunting described the world of gangs, not without shedding turn into stereotypes. The famous singer tells the course of apache (Carlo). His friends, gathered in a move that one imagines dark and smoky, engage a card game hosed. An altercation broke out and one player assaults another. Bunting, who ranks yet always on the side of the disenfranchised, in turn pays the sensational describing fauna underworld that thrives in places that blue-green. Violent, alcoholic and lazy, his description of the book here Apaches hardly differs from that of the contemporary press. The piece is especially true for the inimitable cheeky Sparrow and the use of slang popular Paris.
Aristide Bruant "in the Apaches'
Impossible find the lyrics on the web. The lyrics below are a transcript. Therefore, there are probably errors. Do not hesitate to propose changes and improvements. (Thank you pifométricien for his proposal. See comment)
"Among the Apaches. Realistic scene by Aristide Bruant.
"Among the Apaches. Realistic scene by Aristide Bruant.
So these are the poles, Carlo was sentenced to 20 years, he announced it in a bulletin board? In air and music that you j'va veil. You will take back all in tune is not it?
-yes, yes, yes!
-so let's go, j'commence.
Friend, listen So the story an unfortunate victim of an indictment ungenerous
and for twenty years to? goes out, taking a life so beautiful memories.
Chorus: Farewell to Paris, a country where my youth has passed, without fear or concern
between two women, my guy and my mistress paris
goodbye, goodbye My friends
? time, I was stoic? and raver? guards? flicards
and six months for all? court to twenty years, including Sundays. It was my turn
Down the diggers, the?
dead cats stuffed, dead to furious
poor Carlo, you'll see it for yourself feathers there
funny at the news, you will not return often
- Say Aminches, pending our chicks ,? litron a drink to his health
- yes, yes
- boss of vinasse and bream.
(follows an animated card game that ends in a brawl between players, "a Turkish cooled. The gunman and his accomplices fled under pressure from police while crian t "Down with the roussins / dead cows."
- Dominique Kalifa " Archaeology apache .
- Dominique Kalifa: "Crime and Culture in the nineteenth century", Perrin, 2005.
- UNEDAP " Aristide Bruant.
- "Chronicles of apache Paris (1902-1905)," Mercure de France, 2008. An enlightening introduction by Quentin Deluermoz presents and put them into context, two quasi-autobiographical narratives that allow " to approach closer to the voice of an Apache and a police officer of the Belle Epoque. " Amelia Elias Alias Helmet 'Now, 23 years old prostitute, returns to his memoirs the tragic struggle that pitted two rival gangs in January 1902. Their leaders, Manda and the Courtille Leca Charonne, contended the young woman.
The peacekeeper Corsy Eugene wrote the second story. He recounts the death of one of his young colleagues, Joseph Besse, killed by a pimp one night in July 1905.
- Argoji . French dictionary of slang from the nineteenth century.
* Links:
- The Blog A century ago (brilliant!): "Saving petty criminals."
- " Iconography: the Apaches of Paris .
- Dominique Kalifa " Archaeology apache .
- Dominique Kalifa: "Crime and Culture in the nineteenth century", Perrin, 2005.
- UNEDAP " Aristide Bruant.
- "Chronicles of apache Paris (1902-1905)," Mercure de France, 2008. An enlightening introduction by Quentin Deluermoz presents and put them into context, two quasi-autobiographical narratives that allow " to approach closer to the voice of an Apache and a police officer of the Belle Epoque. " Amelia Elias Alias Helmet 'Now, 23 years old prostitute, returns to his memoirs the tragic struggle that pitted two rival gangs in January 1902. Their leaders, Manda and the Courtille Leca Charonne, contended the young woman.
The peacekeeper Corsy Eugene wrote the second story. He recounts the death of one of his young colleagues, Joseph Besse, killed by a pimp one night in July 1905.
- Argoji . French dictionary of slang from the nineteenth century.
* Links:
- The Blog A century ago (brilliant!): "Saving petty criminals."
- " Iconography: the Apaches of Paris .
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