Hor ch'el sky terra e vento tace e'l , madrigal for six voices on a poem by Petrarch,
is part of the Eighth Book of Madrigals by Claudio Monteverdi.
The second part of madrigal entitled Cosi sol una chiara viva cast.
Listen to this fine interpretation of the Concerto Italiano under the direction of Rinaldo Alessandrini
Score and lunch (in separate voices ) on ICMM
Translation of French text
While heaven and earth and wind
are silent And the beasts and birds sleep at night
asleep in his car made its starry
And revolution in the sea bed spreads, rests.

I sleep, I dream, I burn, I weep, and one that haunts me is the one I
destroyed just for my sweet .
War is my state, anger and cruel tumult
And this is only his mind that I get a little peace.

Like a clear fountain and smiling
Who provides the sweet and bitter that I drink, I
A single hand and stomach hurts
order my martyrdom never ends
thousand times the day I die a thousand times I am reborn. What
my hello I stay away
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