VERHAEGEN STREET: THE JOINT GUARD YEAR REUNION On 23 February, the Defense Committee of Saint-Gilles had invited the inhabitants of the Rue Théodore Verhaegen (and around) to come express their concerns and express their questions regarding proposed works - soon. Traders, especially, have expressed concern. A meeting had already been initiated by the municipality on February 9 in order to explain the project outline.
Many Saint-Gilles did not have the opportunity to attend this briefing, and after numerous calls from residents, we felt good reoffend evening. On this occasion, we asked Mr. Carlo Luyckx (Alderman Mobility and Public Works) and Mr Patrick Debouverie (Alderman of Economic Development) to give the public any explanation. Both accepted the invitation and made many reassuring answers - even if some points remain unclear.
What was the challenge of meeting? We had heard that by late 2011, the sewers of the street were Theodore Verhaegen be completely renovated. Both the houses connection to the main sewer under the road are concerned. In the same vein, the street will be resurfaced. New tracks will be laid, the redesigned bus shelters and bike paths and sidewalks. The high street will be one way: we can get past the barrier but the vehicles will no longer back from the street Sterckx.
The objective of the meeting was well stated on the invitation: Many merchants and residents fear the work that will last many months. What are these concerns and challenges? How the district will operate for this work? The meeting will prepare for the consultation to be held March 22 next to the town.
Many residents and merchants have responded to the invitation. The packed house was very attentive yet heard a number of reflections to reassure everyone. The situation, it was said, will not be chaos feared. The town, constrained by the region to implement a number of developments (eg the way "imposed" by the STIB) makes every effort to find solutions to problems announced.
What are these big news? 1. About one-sided: The town is no obvious utility of this way and have regrets - probably - the measure applied. However, counts of passing vehicles do not indicate the necessity of making sense of this unique segment. Even more than at any time of day (except at 8 o'clock in the morning), the tram is idle. This will have the same county, another negative consequence: that at certain times to block the bus 48 and tram 97! The way would also aim to reduce the traffic.
The town has launched a test to see "real time" - and especially before the consultation - how it will work in the field. The test will last three months (and will be continued after the consultation).
Also note that the street is the Fort, also one-way during this period as a test! Comprehensive program so that it may cause a famous bedlam. The Carnival period will probably limit the confusion test
size. The public has been asked whether the period (with school holidays) will be enlightening
But what about the market this weekend? trucks will have to come in the Rue du Fort at the top. This issue has yet to be resolved. Many traders fear
however, that this work may "kill" local economic activity.
2. The impact of work on economic development: Again, the municipality has taken the bull by the horns by requesting a study of incidence at Atrium (and also the probable traffic congestion of 48 and 97). This report will be ready for consultation and attached to the file.
3. The impact on businesses Coordination of the work has been at any time required by the municipality. Not allowed to open and close and then open the street again. The town wants to secure supplies at any time. Traders will be sought and given adequate notice. The municipality is committed to finding solutions with them.
4. A daily call number and an antenna site: In case of problems, there will be a means of contacting a cell that can respond and react quickly. The public also requires an antenna site, as is often the case in the work of the STIB. It will also ensure a safe home for people who do not speak - well - French.
5. An assistance unit will be established.
Its mission will be to stay in constant contact with residents and merchants to ensure the smooth running of operations. It is she who will contact the businesses concerned to review before any new phase of work what possible solutions would be to implement.
6. What about the priority right onto Theodore Verhaegen? The Region wants actually prefer this option.
7. The passages Pedestrian: will require special attention to the safety of all. And all tram stops are arranged after the crossroads.
8. Customers will have access to shops. Everything will be done to ensure that shops and stores are accessible.
9. Compensation for traders. We have already raised this question in the blog. Everything will be implemented, we were told, so that trade suffers as little as possible of the situation. Was also addressed the issue of inspections AFSCA. Traders of the food chain and hospitality urged that the work will not bring harm to security issues and - most importantly - hygiene.
10. What about cycling? The GRACQ (Cyclists Daily) is a non-profit and no affiliation is to focus on promoting cycling as a means of travel. The association has also organized a meeting of citizens about the place reserved in the project cycle. We did not have concrete echo of this evening.
11. The work schedule? First, the sewer replacement. This can be done in late summer. In all cases, there will be proper coordination between different operators. By cons, we do not yet know where to begin the work (up or down?). The only certainty is that the connection of sewers to homes will be without much effect on traffic.
Some points were not discussed due to time constraints. For example:
- The parking card Will it extended? Parking will be more complicated. Local residents will they park "at the same rate" their car further? What will
- the exact route of the shuttle bus?
- Is there no way to maintain a tram on the street ... Théodore Verhaegen even during the work?
- Bethlehem Street from the corner Dethy / Chaussée de Forest / Vanderschrick be redesigned to accommodate a bus shelter. She will not give the street before branching off Theodore Verhaegen but to the other side of the square of Bethlehem. We had already spoken. A wonder how many times this place is still undergoing changes ...
final point: the amount announced deals with all of the work was around 8.8 million euros. During the evening, we talked about 11 million. Provided that the result, whatever it is in is worth the shot.
The closing remarks of the President: Thanking the Assembly and elected to the quality of debate, the Chairman proposed the meeting to occur in the commission of massive concert on Tuesday 22 mars 2011-9 hours and ask to be heard. He also asked the commune to return - through the Committee - a request for those who can not attend. A delay was granted to allow this.
Our team has contacted all street traders involved in this spirit. The result: we have collected details of about 50 people wishing to speak that day. Hope that the spirit of synthesis and concision are also go ...