Blagoslovi dush Moya, the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Rachmaninoff)
Alto (solo) pronunciation and rhythm of first 23 measures
Tenors Basses
pronunciation and rhythm (just the chorus) from the lifting of the 24 .
site Orthodox Electronic Publishing Society , offers prayers in Slavonic that you can listen online (MP3 format)
Here you will find the audio file to pronounce the sentence: "Slava Otsu i Synu, Svyatomu Dukhu i i i Nyne prisno i vo Vekia vekov. Amin. "
And then another to pronounce "Gospodi pomiluy" (Lord, have mercy) of the Small Litany
English Translation
IS Salvation of the Lord, and thy blessing upon thy people IS. Alleluia.
Glory to the Father and To The Son and The Holy Spirit to, and now
Both ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Blagoslovi dush Moya, Dobri Christov

( click to enlarge)
Tebe Poem of Bortniasnky
The MIDI files into separate voices are here

(Click to enlarge)
Nine otpushtaeshi , Dobri Christov
alto tenor

(Click to enlarge)
This part will be led by Serge Medawar
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