The Ministry of Intercession
1) definition of the concept of ministry
To meet this definition, let us walk together various verses as examples or concept of ministry is quoted: -Actes6: 4 "And we will continue to apply ourselves to prayer and ministry of the word. "
-2Corinthiens5: 18 " And all this comes from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. "
-2Corinthiens3: 8 "How the ministry of the Spirit will not be there any more glorious! "
-1Corinthiens12 :4-5 " There are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit, the diversity of ministries, but the same Lord. "
-1Pierre4: 11 " If someone speaks, whether as the oracles of God: if any man minister, let him do it by faith that God communicates to that 'in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and dominion forever centuries. Amen! "
-2Corinthiens11: 23 " Are they ministers of Christ? - I speak as one who raves .- I am more ... "
-2Timothée4: 5 " But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full your ministry. "
When we travel to these verses, we find clear by the Grace of our Father Jesus that the ministry is defined as the service or function as God's chosen can fill in the Church the Living God, the Body of Christ. We also understand that these departments or services are of various forms. A minister of Jesus is a Servant of God dedicated to one or more specific tasks in the Church, the Body of Christ.
2) What are the different types of departments that may be encountered in the Body of Christ, according to the Bible?
We distinguish two types of departments according to the Bible which are:
Departments universal a-five in number namely: Departments apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and doctor.
These departments are also grants from the Lord. All those called to these ministries by the Grace of our Father Jesus can, according to the Perfect Will of God, open the local churches, working in collaboration with other Servers in a local church and finally work as true missionaries in collaboration or not with other local churches (Ministry, Missions) around the world.
We will find these gifts or departments in Ephésiens4: 11
"And he gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some to be evangelists, some pastors and teachers. "
These departments have universal role for the perfecting of the saints and building up the Body of Christ as it is written:
" For the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ. "Ephésiens4: 12.
b-Departments secondary or sub-departments
They represent all other forms of services or functions that can be filled with dedication in the House of God, the Church of the Living God, our Father Jesus. We can mention among others the diaconate, prophecy, teaching, exhortation, liberality, the presidency or governance, mercy.
We find this first category Romains12 :6-8
"Since we have different gifts, according to the grace that has been granted, that he who has the gift of prophecy according to the proportion of faith than is called to the ministry strives to his ministry as one who teaches, in his teaching, and he who exhorts the exhortation. Let he who gives, with liberality as that presided with diligence, that he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. "
We can also cite departments:
-cantor: 2Samuel23: 1 " These are the last words of David
Word of son David of Jesse
Word of the senior man,
From the anointed of the God of Jacob,
From cantor nice to Israel, "
-reconciliation: 2Corinthiens5: 18 "And all this comes from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation,"
-of intercession: Luc2: 37 "Left a widow , and aged eighty-four years, she never left the temple, and served God night and day in fasting and in prayer. " Esaïe53: 12 " Therefore I will give him his portion with the great;
He will share the spoils with the strong,
Because he surrendered himself to the death
And he was numbered with the transgressors,
Because he bore the sin of many men,
And made intercession for the transgressors " . Esaïe59: 16 "He sees that there is not a man,
It s surprising that someone intercessor;
Then his arms came to his aid,
And his justice serves as support "and other Romains8: 27 ; Hébreux7: 25 etc. .
We can now include sub-departments directly related to the nine (9) gifts given by God the Holy Spirit (1Corinthiens12 :8-10) including the Ministry of issue (related to the simultaneous manifestation of gifts of healings, miracles, faith, word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discernment).
These departments are also grants from the Lord. Unlike universal departments found in Ephésiens4: 11, sub-departments are not entitled to all those who exercise them, to open a local church. Quite the contrary, these departments must be exercised (necessarily) in a local church or local assembly. In some cases, at most, these sub-departments may also be exercised for those who have received worldwide, in collaboration with local churches or not, but with total exclusion of initiation of local church under its sub-departments.
Exercising these departments within a local assembly does not diminish the character of these motor spiritual gifts in the qualitative and quantitative growth of local churches or even the Gospel of Christ by the mighty hand of God, JESUS our Dad. In a word, God our Father Jesus uses these sub-departments to advance universal ministries.
-A universal ministry dominated by sub-ministries of deliverance and intercession is a ministry that makes a lot more souls in the name of JESUS.
-A department Universal based on sub-departments of issue, intercession and teaching as much as Christians live a life of consecration by the Grace of our Father Jesus.
These sub-departments are essential to maintain and complementarity of membership in the Body of Christ, the Living Church of God, our Father Jesus.
3) The special case of the Ministry of Intercession
Intercession is defined as the set of prayers we give to God on behalf of one or more persons who are in relationships or unfairness bitterness of slavery evil.
4) The role of sentinel Christian intercessor.
The intercessor has its sentinel role he does so implicitly in the Body of Christ. At this level, the servant of Jesus intercessor must always stand in the gap to collect people's concerns to bring before God our Father Jesus. It must also be sensitive to the return of the Holy Spirit Voices to receive personal revelations from the Lord to connect or not the people for whom he intercedes.
NB Play the role of spiritual watchman at a particular time, is not necessarily the intercessor a prophet has not received this ministry from God our Father Jesus .
For cons, the Prophet necessarily a sub-ministry of intercession that is required to perform in his ministry as a prophet.
Reminder: Be à la brèche, c’est être en éveil spirituellement dans la prière constante (avec une vie de consécration, de sanctification et de sainteté) pour recueillir les préoccupations du peuple d’une part afin de les présenter à Dieu, et recevoir d’autres part des messages divins (instructions, avertissements et promesses) pour informer le Peuple de Dieu pour qui l’on intercède en JESUS-CHRIST.
5) Les fautes lourdes spirituelles à éviter dans l’exercice du Ministère d’intercession en JESUS.
Même if this intercession as a spiritual ministry of planning, construction and effective results in the Body of Christ, we must avoid, however, a number of things instead of driving the intercessor in the blessings, will rather the result in serious sins before God, our Father Jesus.
a-prayer of intercession against the blood and flesh (or against Man created in the image of God ).
The Christian intercessor praying during these spiritual battles, against flesh and blood, that is to say against the man made in the image of God, our Father Jesus, is in sin. Means by sin, which is condemned by God, our Father Jesus.
About the flesh and blood it is expressly written this somewhere:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers , against the rulers of this dark world and against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. " Ephésiens6: 12.
The Bible clearly shows that if a man commits a sin or a bad action is primarily under the influence of the devil, whether he is fully possessed by the devil. The Christian is called to intercede with God on behalf of man influenced or possessed in order that the Holy Spirit expels the demon away from the life of the latter in the name of JESUS. But if the Christian intercessor pray that the man who committed the evil dies, it is a human body that is destroyed in favor of a demon who remains at large.
The same demon may still have another body to act exactly as he did with the first shot. And even if the intercessor prays against this other man that he may die possessed, in turn, then how many people they end up in hell without confessing the Name of Jesus to be saved by the fault of an intercessor murderer?
An intercessor is not a murderer. But it is a source of blessing and a channel of life that God has established in the name of JESUS.
If someone does evil in the flesh, the intercessor may request the Grace of God so that the person be deprived of works flesh in the name of JESUS.
Practical example: You learn by revelation is clear that your close relative (mother, father, uncle, brother or sister) that uses the spirit of witchcraft to destroy you.
must intercede and :
- confessing the sins of the possessed person (of course after having made yourself your own repentance).
- ask the Holy Spirit to deliver your parent the spirit of witchcraft in the name of JESUS.
- ask God to circumcise his heart so that it is saved in the name of JESUS.
- claim the Blood of Jesus to cleanse his body, his soul, his spirit.
This is a good example of an intercessor who communicates life in the name of JESUS. And if you pray with faith, you will hear one day that a man of miraculous ways God has met your parent ex-sorcerer and he became himself the Servant of Jesus. Surely that day, your joy will be great because you have interceded for a culprit who has become spiritually helpful in the House of God, our Father Jesus. And the Lord will give you by His Grace, sooner or later a place among the greats! AMEN!
b-Intercession "Balaam" or intercession by the doctrine of Balaam, the soothsayer.
is an intercession that derives its motivation in the money that is to say financial and material gains sordid and easy.
In short, the intercessor do not pray until he has seen anyone give him money in advance. The Intercessor prays even for subjects where asked to utter bad words against an elected representative of God in Jesus Christ as someone handed him a large sum or pledged. The intercessor here becomes a mere bounty hunter.
is the doctrine of Balaam, who is to curse the chosen of God to enrich themselves illegally. Christians in general and / or Christian intercessor in a particular way must never curse a man let alone an elected of God, that is to say another Christian (not even a heathen): Nombres22, Nombres23, and Nombres24 Apocalypse2 14.
The Christian intercessor does not advise clever devil to bring down another Christian into sin.
Practical examples:
U No politician is saying is proposing to the Christian intercessor, a large sum of money by saying this: "Pray that my opponent Political and wizards in my village die so that I am elected. "
The subject of prayer for example is evil and must be systematically rejected by the Christian intercessor even if it has no grain of rice to eat at home. It is better to suffer for the Glory of our Father Jesus than participate in the unfruitful works of darkness that is to say the sins of others as it is written somewhere in the Bible: "Examine what is pleasing to the Lord and Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them. For it is shameful to say what they do in secret. " Ephésiens5 :10-12
A man approaches an intercessor for advice from him on his engagement to a woman he wants to marry legally be righteous before God, our Father Jesus.
He told the intercessor for example: "For the moment I have not had all the money I want to do the big wedding you want, and I feel that my fiancee has the looks some turned to another man richer "and the Christian intercessor answers such as" Go with her so that she is pregnant in order to control it. "
This council is evil and leads him who hears and acts on them in the grave sin of fornication before God, our Father Jesus.
c-intercession "Nicolaites" or intercession based on the doctrine of Nicolaites
Reminder doctrine Nicolaites:
"Similarly, you also have people that hold the doctrine of Nicolaites" Apocalypse2: 15.
According to what the Holy Spirit taught me personally by the grace of my Father Jesus, the doctrine of Nicolaites is also similar to the work of the Children of Israel from the time of the judges when the people of the LORD was delivered to himself in the disorder through its religious or cultural practices for lack of a spiritual leader in-anointed Jesus.
disorder characterized by the association or the invocation of the Name of God with the use of other diabolical practices directly or indirectly. This is also comparable to the religious practices of first foreign peoples who occupied Samaria after the deportation of children of Israel by the king of Assyria (2Rois17: 33.41) . So they served the Lord always with a strange fire.
"In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what seemed good.
There was a young man from Bethlehem in Judah, the family of Judah, was a Levite, and he stayed there. "
" Mica said: Stay with me, you will serve me a father and a priest and I'll give ten shekels of silver per year, the clothes you'll need, and your interview. And the Levite went. "
Juges17 :6-7, 10 , yet it says
" They replied: Shut up, put your hand on your mouth, and come with us, we serve you a father and priest. Is it better that you served as a priest at the house of one man, or that you served as a priest to a tribe and a family in Israel? "
" The priest felt the joy in his heart he took the ephod, the idols and the graven image, and joined the troupe. "
Juges18 :19-20 .
And finally, "So they feared the LORD, and served in their own gods according to the custom of nations where they were transported. These nations feared the LORD and served their graven images ... " 2Rois17: 33.41
" The son of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, each took his censer, put fire therein, and laid incense above, they brought before the Lord strange fire, it does point they had ordered. " Lévitique10: 1.
From Biblical verses, we can say that the doctrine of religious practice Nicolaites is made in the disorder and carnal way. This doctrine is also for those who practice it to want to eat both at the table of demons and the table of the Lord God our Father Jesus.
In a word, it is a doctrine that allows fans to want to serve God while relying on practices and / or occult powers to operate in a very hidden.
Nowadays, they are servants of God on any level whatsoever that are unable to invoke only the name of God without the sidelines of that mystical other media.
Indeed, we recognize the fact that they can not make a prayer in the Name of Jesus alone and see a miracle accomplished or achieve a specific result.
In their prayer they avoid even finish their words or their applications by the Authority spiritual capital "In the Name of Jesus."
They pronounce words easily Lord, Lord, God, but the name of JESUS in which resides all authority by faith does is hardly in the mouth. Because in reality their faith is placed elsewhere in spells and potions without forgetting the other statuettes. The ministry of these men is recognized by men only. God does not confirm the words that they send or predict the Name of Jesus.
For intercessor who wants to serve God, our Father Jesus in this ministry, this practice is prohibited Nicolaitans.
For no one can serve two masters at once as it is written in the Book of Matthew chapter 6 verse 24 "No can not serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one, and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon. "
person shall not participate in the Lord's table and the table of demons at the same time as it is written in 1Corinthiens10: 21
"You can not drink the cup of the Lord, and cup of devils: ye can not partake of the Lord's table and the table of demons. "
should know that the prayer made in the name of JESUS one is enough. We do not need to involve other diabolical practices.
Let no one be allowed to distract from the true Way of God in Jesus Christ to listen to someone who will make him believe he can use plants, bark from wood to cure the pretext that He has blessed these things in the name of JESUS. True Blessing from God is to pray in the name of JESUS! (Except of course in modern medicine that God our Father Jesus recognized and sanctified by His Grace).
Practical Example: Someone says Christian and he continues to consult witch doctors and mystics. He even continues to produce incense or lemon for wanting to hunt demons as seen in the slums in Africa especially.
(MESSAGE TO FOLLOW-see Department of intercession Part 2 and end)
May God bless you in JESUS name. Amen!
Teaching from the book:
"Précis of The Ministry of Intercession,
how to exercise effectively the sub-department in the House of God in Jesus Christ. "
Published by Editions knowledge of Jesus, the true God.
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