1-What is a disease?
On the spiritual level, the disease here translated unpleasant dysfunction in the body (or body) human due to the presence of a foreign body. This deplorable breach of the human body is entirely the work of the devil, although it is permitted by God as a punishment that punishes the transgression of a divine (that is to say, sin) by a man that he is a Christian or not.
According to the Scriptures in the Book of Deuteronomy in chapitre28 verset15 from the bodily disease is one of spiritual and physical punishment attach to one who leaves the Will of God in Jesus Christ after experiencing the Good, the Truth.
2-What do we attack the devil?
That means all kinds of fiery darts of the devil can inflict on a man, a Christian who would be in addition disobedience vis-a-vis God, our Father Jesus. Beyond the physical disease, the devil can attack on the spiritual, social, physical and financial. A Christian who abandons the way of God, the life of piety in Jesus may have received a demonic attack (this which has not necessarily translated from a disease here). Discouragement is an attack of the devil. The destruction of tangible property and loss of income are also demonic attacks.
3-Is a Christian can fall sick again?
Yes. The Christian who sins is not immunized against the disease. Far from it. Instead, the disease attacks the part of the devil above mentioned, the Christian who opens a door into his life by sin, that is to say, by the transgression of a divine in Jesus Christ can suffer the consequences. That is why even our Father Jesus during His Department of Earth after someone cured according to the Bible, is always recommended: "Go and sin no more."
The Christian who sins receives attacks, and thus a disease if it does not automatically repents his evil way, that is to say his sins.
Since the Old Testament to New Testament, those who received God our Father Jesus also known disease after any sin.
Some examples:
-disease Prophetess Miriam (or Mary), sister of Moses in Nombres12: 10.
-disease of servant Gehazi Elysee 2Rois5: 27.
-disease work Trophime companion of the Apostle Paul in 2Timothée4: 20.
The problem is no longer whether a Christian can fall ill, but is it that Christians can dominate and master the influences of recurrent disease on his life in the name of JESUS?
4-Is a Christian can really dominate the attacks of the devil in the Name of Jesus?
Yes, a born again Christian can truly and completely dominate the attacks of the devil in the Name of Jesus.
5-Is a Christian can really dominate the recurrent disease?
For the specific case, we will see how a Christian can really dominate on diseases in the Name of Jesus.
6-Does God our Father Jesus can inflict a disease at a Christian?
No, God our Father, Jesus does not inflict sickness to a man in addition to a Christian because God is not tempted by evil as it is written in Jacques1: 13: "That person, when 'he is tempted, should say: It is God that my God can not be tente.Car tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one. "
should rather deal with God our Father Jesus to conquer and dominate the disease permanently by active faith.
7-Are there any diseases Natural?
No, there is no natural diseases. To say that there are natural diseases, is to simply say that God our Father Jesus created man with diseases' sources' c ' is to say diseases since the original Adam and Eve. But the Bible does not confirm that. Adam and Eve were indeed created without disease but since the Adamic sin that God our Father Jesus will allow that man knows corporel.Toute dieback disease is the devil's attack, following a sin that must be removed from the body in the Name of Jesus.
8-How to understand the machinations of the devil and the means to defeat them in the name of JESUS?
The devil is based exactly on the Word of God (declared or declared) before doing anything to man. In a word, it releases the Order of the Mouth of God our Father Jesus that the devil is running in a man's life when this lack of knowledge of sin against the Lord all the Earth.
Ayat-it spiritual principles to understand first?
There are indeed spiritual principles that have predetermined knowledge and understanding to keep out the evil. Among these principles, we hold them in: *
Esaîe59 :1-2 "No, the hand of the LORD is not too short to save,
Nor his ear too dull to hear .
But your iniquities have separated
you from your God;
your sins have hidden His face
and prevent listen to you. "
This first spiritual principle shows that there is separation of God from man who commits a sin and it automatically no matter what God's love for us.
Ezéchiel18 *: 4 "Behold, all souls are mine: the soul of the son as the soul of the father and the other one is mine: the soul who sins is that she will die."
This second principle also shows that sin is automatically punishable even by death.
* Deutéronome28: 15.22 "But if you do not obey the voice of the LORD thy God if you do not observe and do not put into practice all his commandments and all His statutes which I command you today, all these curses shall come on thee and be thy share: the LORD will smite thee with consumption, fever, inflammation, burning heat, drying, jaundice and gangrene, which will pursue you until you perish. "" Even the Lord will bring upon you until you are destroyed All kinds of diseases and wounds that are not mentioned in the book of this law. "
The third principle derived from these verses actually demonstrates that the disease is also sharing one who falls into sin without repenting.
1Corinthiens5: 1.5 "We usually hear that some of you from fornication, and fornication as is not found even among pagans is the point that one of you were the wife of his father. " "That man should be surrendered to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."
Again the spiritual principle is the same, sin leads man to be delivered to the devil if he does not repent sincerely and systematic JESUS.
b-How is the straight way of the Lord God our Father Jesus that we must observe and practice?
Faced with these decrees spiritual, God, our Father Jesus, has made arrangements (orders) pro should know and practice the faith. They are found in:
Ezéchiel33: 11 "Say: I live, says the Lord God, what I desire is not that the wicked should die, that it changes ways and live. Come back, come back from your evil ways, and why should you die ?..."
Ezéchiel33 :14-16 "When I tell the wicked, Thou shalt surely die, if he returns from his sin and practice righteousness and justice,
If making the pledge, if he restores what he pleased, if he follows the precepts that give life, without committing iniquity, he shall live It will not die.
All the sins he has committed will be forgotten, if practice righteousness and justice, he shall live. "
Our Father Jesus has put in place ordinances favorable to protect us from attacks quickly the devil after any sin.
c-After having understood and accepted these provisions divine favor, what is the first stage of practice issue or the healing that must begin?
* In practice the Christian prayer what should he do?
After having understood and accepted these provisions favor the Christian God must begin with these words of spiritual liberation following
Proverbes28: 13 "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes have mercy. "
1Jean1: 9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
The average effective spiritual to return quickly in the Ways of the Lord after a sin (to avoid attacks of the devil) is repentance.
Conveniently made these following prayers:
"O Father (or Dad), I acknowledge that I have sinned against you by all that is abominable before your eyes (state here the sins that the Holy Spirit your heart will fail without one).
O Papa forgive me all these sins in the name of JESUS! "
"Cleanse me of the Blood of Jesus ..."
DYT there still Biblical passages that allow the Christian patient to have more confidence in his recovery?
Dive into insurance for your healing by meditating on the Word follows:
Esaîe53: 5 "But he was wounded for our transgressions,
crushed for our iniquities;
Punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
And by His wounds we are healed. "
e-Now that the Christian is more reassured by this verse, what is the moment offensive spiritually he must observe?
Now that you have confidence in healing through faith in Jesus Christ go to Step Christian's offensive against the disease that makes you suffer at the moment.
-For this we must rely on at least one of the authorities given by our spiritual Father JESUS!
Luc10: 19 "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall hurt you."
-Knowledge of the spiritual authority is not enough. We now move to the Equity Solution under God, our Father Jesus to that effect immediately as written in:
Marc11 :23-24 "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Get out away and cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be accomplished. " "Therefore I tell you everything you ask in prayer, believe that you received it, and it will be yours."
-In practice, what prayers should be done now to remove the disease?
In practice, made this following prayer to remove the disease (mountain) of your body:
"Diseases (name them) who are in my body, I order you out of there at once in the name of JESUS! "
Note: You can repeat several times the prayer if you still feel pain and that the Holy Spirit convinces you to do. Otherwise stop and go to the next step.
"We must now plead the Blood of Jesus to heal the traces caused by this disease in your body.
* Conveniently say:
"I heal traces caused by this disease or this mystery demon in my body by the blood of Jesus. "
-last step in this phase: to glorify God our Father Jesus by faith (mainly) to show the devil that you have the assurance of your complete recovery and perfect.
* Conveniently say:
"Lord God of all the earth, I give You glory for the miraculous cure that You've give me by Thy Grace In the Name of JESUS! AMEN! "
9-spiritual What precautions should I take now in JESUS not to fall again easily in the disease?
First you must know how to keep healing. If the devil, by any manner whatsoever, just make you believe that the same evil is this: It must be said simply: "Satan stop your tricks for this disease because Jesus has already healed Dad ... (and you'll see on the field these effects have stopped. "
When there will be another attack, the Christian must know that it automatically opened a door by any sin. Therefore the field, before other share a quick prayer of repentance. (It should never fall into pride before God, our Father Jesus saying: "I did nothing and I'm sick or attacked.")
After repentance, we must also control the disease or pain from the name of JESUS!
In doing so by faith, you preserve your health every day without any concern vis-à-vis the attacks on evil.
10-In order to better resist disease and attacks of the devil what Christians can do in advance?
* You must flee ahead of the sins mentioned in the Bible openly.
* must also take into consideration all the revelations that you receive (by dream, vision, Oracle Prophecy Word of knowledge and others ...) that our Dad JESUS gives. Do not say in your heart when you wake "I saw just a nightmare."
* You should know that our Father Jesus is faithful and no attack happens to us without having been notified in writing as Amos3: 7 "For the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets. "
* You must escape the spiritual neglect preventive is to not to pay attention to the divine revelations (vision, dreams, prophecies and others) as it is written in:
Job33 :14-18 "God speaks, however, sometimes one way, sometimes another, and we are not point guard. "
" He speaks through dreams, visions by night ,..." "While it gives them warnings ... "" To divert man from evil and to preserve the pride. "" To ensure his soul from the pit, and his life power of the sword. "
11-Is there spiritual methods of prevention against diseases in the Bible?
Methods spiritual preventive attacks and diseases recommended in the Bible: * The coating
Christian defensive weapons (Ephésiens6 :10-18) : To defend himself, the Christian must take seven (7) spiritual weapons following the name of JESUS!
1-The belt of truth (that means you have to have the truth in the mouth and not lies)
2-The breastplate of righteousness (It must practice the righteousness of God in JESUS)
3-The zeal of the Gospel as shoe our feet (that is to say we should seek to use their feet to communicate the gospel and not go dancing and drinking at a bush or bistro only ...)
4-The shield of faith (Always believe and put their trust in Jesus)
The 5-Hi's helmet (must always have the assurance of Hi in JESUS): No one who has no assurance that its Hi in Jesus can not use a spiritual authority to drive out a demon in the Name of Jesus. Since no heathen can not cast a demon in the name of JESUS!
6-L'épée of the Spirit (that is to say the Word of God, the Bible must meditate to put then into practice regularly)
7-The prayers and supplications (Always pray in humility and ask our concerns in the Name of Jesus)
12-What are the latest recommendations that the Christian spiritual cured of a disease must be retained?
Finally, we must avoid by all means the weapon diabolical and clever to say: The fear and panic. * The Devil
through fear before attacking: this is his first method. No disease ought to scare the Christians again. should rather be afraid of sinning against God, our Father JESUS!
* He who falls in fear, yields readily to panic and panic He loses self-control (it lacks temperance is a life of Holiness). He who lack temperance easy to forget the spiritual authority that holds the name of JESUS. He then disarmed before the spiritual battle and it becomes an easy prey the devil and demons.
13-For those who have not yet accepted God our Father Jesus as Savior, what should he do immediately?
For those who want to accept the Lord, our Father Jesus as his Lord and Savior here is the prayer of confession to make:
"O God, today I heard Your Word and I got it in my heart.
I condemn and I repent before Your Face! I believe in my heart that You God Thou hast raised up the Lord Jesus from the dead so that I am saved.
I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
O Father, I want to walk with you today, take me and take me from today and forever in Jesus name Amen!
I purify my body, my soul, my spirit in the Blood of Jesus.
I Te Papa give glory to the new birth that you just give me the name of JESUS. AMEN! AMEN! "
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Glory and Blessing to you Papa Jesus for ever and ever! AMEN! AMEN!
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