Coup de gueule
Here, I'm upset because once again we are taken for idiots, kids who can not understand things.
There was an incident in Sweden so serious on a nuclear plant beginning in August Let me be clear, I am not opposed to a nuclear, far away. But it's dangerous, these things very, very dangerous so you have the and transparency that we know what happens. That we also take measures to monitor, control and manage incidents. This is the price that the civilian nuclear has a future.
Then two sides of the story: what is past is very serious ... or not very serious (rated 2 on a scale of 7) 0.1-0 @ 2-3228,36-801277,0. html
but we do not know what happened! There was a concern and the emergency circuit did not work - fortunately the emergency circuits are doubled ...
In logic "should not frighten the good people"! it is legitimate to question the seriousness of the incident when one reads "According to Ms. Svensson, comments of an expert saying that the Swedish Forsmark incident had occurred since the most serious Chernobyl and that was spent close to a major accident are "greatly exaggerated". "Who should we believe? I think we are hiding the truth a bit ... no?
And that's how we created phobias. Grrrr.
Another issue: GMOs - Genetically Modified Organisms. But change to what?
You did you know that certain plants such as soybeans are changed in order to secrete
of glyphosate (the herbicide Round Total Up-...). We're going to eat more this herbicide because Cattle are fed on this soya, and we're going to eat these animals. We are already preparing a difficult future with pesticides and insecticides that are sprayed on plants and we plunge into the nail making them make their own ... C'mon. What nature has taken billions of years to design, we smarter, we'll make toy is easy, we know the rules, we all inclusive!
It would be good find a little humility before the organization of life and respect it.
Set aside land to produce intensely on others large reinforcements of chemicals, it is of relevance to any event.
But what is worse is that during those millions of years, we have adapted to gradual changes in plant and life in general, but our organization, was no any more adapted to these new changes ... Man will have its own predator?
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